Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in West Midlands Police

The information on this page is provided by West Midlands Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Tackling ASB in hotspot areas including local parks and open spaces.

Issue Date Tuesday 17th September 2024

We have identified hotspot areas and have now including these in our patrol plan.
To help tackle Anti-Social behaviour we have been:

• Conducting regular high visibility patrols in the area engaging with groups of youths should Anti-Social behaviour occur in the area.
• Working with local schools and youth activity providers to educate and divert young people involved in Anti-Social behaviour as a long-term solution.
• Working with Walsall Council and other partner agencies to tackle neighbourhood issues
• Ensuring we are accessible in the community by supporting local events.

Action Date Tuesday 17th September 2024

Tackling Darker Night related crime including burglary and personal safety

Issue Date Tuesday 17th September 2024

• As the days start to get darker earlier we will implement our Darker Nights plan. We have been:
• Reassuring our communities and providing messaging and crime prevention advice to help prevent burglaries and vehicle crime and promote personal safety.
• Targeting our patrols in residential areas and ensuring we are visible and accessible.
• Working with our Street Watch and Neighbourhood Watch schemes ensuring they are kept informed, share important information and report any suspicious activities

Action Date Tuesday 17th September 2024

Reducing youth related violence

Issue Date Tuesday 17th September 2024

• We are patrolling our local hotspots including targeting specific locations.
• Utilising stop & search powers in an effort to remove weapons from our streets and keep our communities safe.
• Visiting local schools to educate young people about the dangers of carrying a knife.
• Promoting our #LifeorKnife campaign and providing parents/carers with information and advice to help keep young people safe

Action Date Tuesday 17th September 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Park Hall Area Neighbourhood Watch – Winter Drop In
Saturday 5th October 2024
from 9:00AM to 10:00AM
United Reformed Church, Broadway, 2 Gillity Ave, Walsall, WS5 3PH

Come along and meet officers from your local Delves Policing Team

Community Safety Day
Saturday 12th October 2024
from 10:00AM to 2:00PM
The Hub, Palfrey Park, Walsall, WS1 4AN

Officers from Delves Policing Team will be attending this event which is being hosted by iMatterWalsall

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.