Crime Check UK

Wellington West and Rural

A local policing neighbourhood in West Mercia Police

The information on this page is provided by West Mercia Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

In Wellington Town there has been a lot of mess left everyday by rough sleepers.


This is affecting business and public coming to the town.


9 rough sleepers counted last week of which a few are begging around town on a daily basis.

Issue Date Friday 3rd May 2019

We have been liasing with the Wellington Town Council on  Wednesday 24th April, after a discussion with them and Telford and Wrekin Council the Contractors were brought in to clean up all the mess (mattresses / tables / bedding)

Wellington Local Policing team has also been out and given all the homeless they have come across a leaflet with services that could assist them in help for addictions, housing, support etc.

During a meeting about the Shop doorway ( The old Stead & Simpsons)  scissor shutters will be fitted to the shop front to stop the homeless coming back and using it as a bedroom / storage room. This work will be done week commencing 6th May.

Wellington Local Policing team advise public on a daily basis to report any begging by calling 101 and encourage the businesses to do the same to help combat the problem.

Action Date Saturday 31st August 2019

We have traffic complaints and issues because of the amount of visitors and not enough parking which contributes to people not adhering to the basic rules in the highway code of not parking on double yellow lines.

Issue Date Wednesday 26th April 2017

Update January 2018

  • Parking monitored, there have been no issues over the colder period as there is less visitors to this attraction over the winter months.


  • There has been no update from Highways as to the improvements to be made to the surrounding roads.






Update: 26th April 2017

  • Patrolling the area
  • Consulted with Little Wenlock Parish Council
  • Reviewing current signs.

Update 8th Aug 2017

  • We have a meeting with the Highways department on Thursday 17th August 2017 to try to find other solutions for this problem.

Action Date

Large groups gathering within the square and people begging within the Town.

Issue Date Sunday 22nd May 2016

UPDATE 22.05.2016

  • PCSO TENNANT / BEVEN to completing regular walkabouts and identify support  via partnership agencies.


UPDATE 23.09.2016

  • The team continue to work on this priority.  The summer months have seen a rise in the amount of anti social behaviour reported in the town,  The team have dealt with all incidents robustly and a number of people have been issued with warning notices regarding their behaviour.  Shop owners / staff have been urged to report incidents of anti social behaviour to allow the team to gather evidence to support Criminal Behaviour Orders.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.