Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in West Mercia Police

The information on this page is provided by West Mercia Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Reports from residents regarding anti-social behaviour in and around the streets on the new Persimmon Meadow Grove development off Wellington Road (Greenfields Drive, Farmers Gate, St Georges Way etc)

Issue Date Tuesday 30th April 2019

Regular patrols are being undertaken by our team at various times of day and evening to deter anti-social behaviour and identify those involved or responsible for such activity.

Working with local residents and landlords, we are seeking to address issues around specific addresses which provide a focal point for ASB and other activities.

Action Date

Concerns have been raised by residents regards vehicles travelling at excess speed in various streets around Newport town

Issue Date Monday 9th July 2018

Newport SNT continue to operate speed monitoring and enforcement at a number of locations across the area that we manage; primarily in Newport town and Edgmond in response to residents concerns.


The Speed Indicator Devices (SID's) purchased by Newport Town Council appear to continue to have both a positive effect on reducing vehicle speeds in areas of their deployment, along with providing a highly useful additional source of vehicle speed data that can be used to support longer term plans where needed.


Work will shortly be restarting in conjunction with the Safety Camera Partnership to look at the opportunities for a potential 'town wide' Community Speedwatch project following on from the successful launch of a similar scheme in Edgmond village.


Update 30th April 2019 -

Data captured from the Speed Indicator Devices deployed around Newport town by Newport Town Council shows that they continue to be highly effective in gaining voluntary compliance from drivers with posted speed limits, with very few motorists driving at speeds which would render them liable to formal police action.

Work towards establishing a town wide Community Speedwatch Scheme continues; around a dozen local residents have already come forward to potentially volunteer for the scheme and formal speed data analysis has been undertaken on an initial set of streets by the Safety Camera Partnership. Once it has been confirmed that CSW is the appropriate way forward to manage speeds on those streets, prospective volunteers will be re-contacted and (subject to police vetting) training and provision of equipment can commence.

Action Date

Residents of rural areas outside of Newport town have seen an increase in both crime and suspicious activity. Our team aims to raise awareness of the issue and offer both crime prevention advice and a deterrent to further offending

Issue Date Monday 30th April 2018

Crime awareness leaflets have recently been delivered to all addresses in the Edgmond area following a spate of burglaries in that area. Use of social media postings  has also increased awareness of rural crime and we are working with established Neighbourhood Watch groups in the outlying areas to improve their reach and expand their coverage. Regular patrols are being conducted in outlying rural areas to provide residents and businesses with reassurance and to deter possible criminal activity in those areas.


Update 30th April 2019 -

Our team continues to focus on deterring rural and wildlife crime but committing to regular patrols of the many miles of lanes and tracks and associated villages and hamlets within the area that we cover. We are trying to encourage persons living and working in our more rural areas to report crimes and suspicious activity to enable us to build a better picture of areas that are being specifically targetted by criminal activity.

As the summer months approach, wildlife crime is expected to begin to come to the forefront, with hare coursing always featuring prominently. Again, people living and working in rural areas are being asked to report sightings of vehicles left for extended periods in gateways and field entrances and unknown persons on fields with lurcher or terrier type dogs.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.