Crime Check UK

Hereford City Southside and Rural Southside

A local policing neighbourhood in West Mercia Police

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Neighbourhood Priorities
 BackgroundThere has been a rise in the reports of ASB in the Kingstone area in particular areas surrounding and including Coldstone Cross and Lowfield Meadow.

These reports also include trespassing at Kingstone High School site and the nearby Langland Homes building site. 

Numerous people around the village have been targetted with general ASB including, egg throwing, name calling and general nuisance

Issue Date Thursday 1st November 2018

A problem solving plan has been instigated, this was recently discussed at the problem solving seminar chaired by Superintendent THOMAS.


A Meeting was held between SNT and The Rule out crime officers; this was held to discuss the installation of CCTV cameras in Kingston. Several different options were discussed. It was agreed that SNT would conduct a survey of residents to confirm if they would support the installation of cameras in the area. Both Herefordshire Housing and Bromford Housing were contacted to see if they would be willing to assist in the ongoing upkeep of the CCTV cameras.


The Coldstone Cross estate has been visited to canvass the support of residents for the installation of a CCTV camera. This was done on Friday the 25th Jan and Sunday the 27th Jan. The response was overwhelmingly positive with a near 100 percent success rate. Two objections were raised.


Lowfield was visited between the hours of 19:00-20:30 on 30/01/19 to get feedback about the cameras going in. 100% positive feedback so far.


Housing have served an Unacceptable Behaviour Notice on one of the local residents. This will run for 12 months.

As part of positive engagement within the local community. SNT have been to Kingstone High School and delivered Cadet forms to students


SNT spent just over 2hours from 16:00 visiting various youths in Lowfield Meadows and Coldstone Cross to offer them places on the boxing course that we have organised and funded to give something positive back to the youths.  Almost all the youths were very positive and were very keen and thankful for the offer and opportunity to join in. Parents were all spoken to alongside the youths and were also very grateful for what the police are doing. All youths have signed a code of conduct, that if found to be getting involved in any ASB or criminal offences, they will lose their position. All in all everyone was very pleased and the youths were very excited about what they have been offered.


Funding for CCTV installation has been identified. One at Lowfield Meadow and one in Coldstone Cross. A site visit with Balfour Beattie has been undertaken who will put in the relevant infrastructure once written confirmation is given by the relevant housing associations.


Today was the first of 6 Boxing sessions at Hinton Community centre with Vince McNally. 10 attended the first one. They were lively on the bus and was given a warning. The session went really well with most thanking us when they had finished and some asking Vince to join properly going forward.


Tonight was the second session of the Kingstone ABC Boxing at Hinton. 10 attended this session. All behaved and joined in and made an effort throughout the session. All SNT members joined in and engaged with the children which they seem to like. Vince bought along some of his professional boxers who again done some work with the children which they loved, this gave them a chance to ask questions too. Again a successful session and enjoyed by all.


The third session of the boxing went very well, two joined us from the Young Hopefuls as we had spaces, and they really enjoyed it and were supported by the others. No issues on the bus.


Only a small group to the 4 session, but very engaging and starting to show some good work. All working hard and want to go on to join properly.


Housing Association have authorised the installation of the cameras


Area foot patrol carried out due to reports of ASB - Many members of the community spoken to and engagement made with some youths regarding an interest in relaying the request for a bike/scooter/skateboard area to the Parish Council this evening.


Parish Council meeting attended. It was reported that the youths have taken part in an initiative provided by the police. This has ran for 6 weeks where they have attended Hinton Community Centre and participated in a course ran by the boxing club and during this time the amount of ASB call to police have reduced. The youths within the area have asked for a bike/scooter park in the locality as there isn't a lot to do in the evenings. This was received well by the councillors and acknowledged. The green space area between Coldstone Cross & Lowfield Meadow is a perfect area where the youngsters aged 11 - 15 need a "Play area" to keep them occupied. There is no youth club or provision of activity that is freely available - main recreation ground is not considered an option to them as they prefer to stay local to their homes and integrate with their younger siblings. The green space is owned by Hereford Council (Ruth Jackson) is the lady who covers this subject. Sgt Ram Aston presented "We don't buy crime" and with the Smart water concept which has helped other parishes in not just the reduction of burglaries, but also that of ASB.


Inspector Tudge has reviewed the questionnaires. These indicate that ASB has reduced slightly since the introduction of the boxing sessions but it is clearly still an issue. This is also backed up by reviewing total OIS numbers per month. The total number of OIS incidents for Kingstone has reduced from around 30/40 per month to approximately 20. However within the last 2 weeks that have been a number of incidents of concern, in particular the arrest of a young male for possession of a bladed article and a BB gun being seized from another individual at the local school. This  has been  discussed this with Supt Thomas and she is now happy to proceed with the CCTV installation. SNT officers are also exploring the possibility of a bike track on the local playing field as another diversion. This is in its early stages and we need to look at different options and costs. We can then look at potential funding opportunities. There are a large numbers of houses currently being built and it will be worth contacting the developer to look at funding for this community initiative.


Community Protection warning Notices have been issued to several of the youths in the area.


The fourth session of the boxing was today and it was a very successful one. The ones that are coming now are very committed. They are designing their own t-shirts.


Steven Philips from the council was going out to assess the land for the Bike track and will let us know what we need to do next. We are looking at the idea of moving the boxing venue around to capture other areas on the South. This is will run in 6 week blocks.

Hinton Community Centre is doing a Fit and Fed through the summer holidays where the children can come along Monday to Friday at 12:00 and do an hour of boxing then have a hot meal at the end of it. The youths involved already all want to attend.


Tuesday 18th June was the 5th of 6 sessions. The numbers were low but a great opportunity for a one on one session. Regarding the Bike track. I have now spoke to Steve Philips from the council who has checked the land. Steve has given the go ahead for the bike track. The next step is to get the parish council to contact Steve who will then get them to fill in a standard licence form to give them The Right To Use the land and to maintain it. Free of Charge. Once I have this in writing the Building Site will transfer the mud. In the mean time we will set up a date to get the youths together to do some designs. Once the design has been finalised it will be all hands on deck from the community to get it built.


Meeting with Harm Hub and Sgt 3456 Reynolds to discuss how to proceed and which legislation to use. Agreement that we look at civil injunctions in conjunction with Herefordshire Housing with the police leading proceedings. Satisfied that Mg11's provide adequate evidence to proceed. Sgt 3456 Reynolds to speak with legal and start proceedings. PC 3590 Phillips to produce a statement of incidents and police perspective on the ASB. Herefordshire Housing officer Tiffany Reynolds from Herefordshire Housing will produce a statement of the calls they have received and interventions that they have put in place. Once the statements are completed a court application will be made.


Action Date Friday 1st February 2019

Reports have been received of vehicles driving in an antisocial manner, gathering and causing a nuisance. This includes excessive noise from vehicle exhausts and radios, wheel spins, excessive revving of vehicles and litter. Vehicles are also driving dangerously and at speed along Belmont Road. Generally the complaints are in the evenings from 1900-2300.

Areas concerned are as follows:


  1. Tesco, Abbotsmead Rd, Belmont, Hereford HR2 7XS
  2. Northolme Community Centre, Northolme Rd, Belmont, Hereford HR2 7SV
  3. Asda Belmont Rd, Hereford HR2 7JE.
  4. Belmont Road, Hereford
  5. Mcdonalds Belmont Rd, Hereford HR2 7HB

Issue Date Tuesday 25th September 2018

The Safer Neighbour team, along with help from our response colleagues have been busy patrolling the areas that the vehicles are known to go to and have been engaging with the drivers.

We have issued several section 59 warning notices on these vehicles and some have also been seized.

A section 59 warning is part of the Police Reform Act 2002. It warns the offending driver that if they drive or ride a vehicle in the same manner within 12 months of one being issued then the vehicle may be seized - whoever it belongs to.

We will continue to patrol the area and disrupt any drivers causing Anti Social Behaviour.



As part of the Problem solving plan officers have met with the management of McDonalds. An action plan was agreed by both parties.

McDonalds staff will have a more consistent approach to dealing with customers causing ASB.

Several ASB warning signs have been deployed by SNT in the area.

Police will continue to patrol the area and deal with any ASB with the relevant legislation available.

2 vehicles were seized from offenders under section 59 of the police reform act in the run up to Christmas.

Action Date Thursday 25th October 2018

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.