Crime Check UK

Hagley and Rubery

A local policing neighbourhood in West Mercia Police

The information on this page is provided by West Mercia Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

1. Burglaries - Properties within the Hagley and Rubery area have recently been targeted by criminals. 

2. Car Crime - Vehicles in the Rubery and Cofton Hackett area have been targeted by criminals.

3. Antisocial Behaviour - Youths have been causing Anti Social Behaviour in Hagley park and High Street.

Issue Date Tuesday 16th July 2019

1 . Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been actively conducting high visibility patrols of the areas affected. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been actively using social media to make the affected community aware of current issues and provide crime prevention advice and recommendations. Safer Neighbourhood Team members are actively using social media to inform members of the community of their patrols activity's and locations. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been holding crime prevention police drop in surgeries in order to offer crime prevention advice and security recommendations where appropriate to members of the community.

2. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been actively conducting high visibility patrols of the areas affected. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been actively using social media to make the affected community aware of current issues and provide crime prevention advice and recommendations. Safer Neighbourhood Team members are actively using social media to inform members of the community of their patrols activity's and locations.

3. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been actively conducting high visabilty patrols of the areas affected. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been actively using social media to make the affected community aware of current issues. Safer Neighbourhood Team members are actively using social media to inform members of the community of their patrols activity's and locations. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have been engaging with youths in the area and trying to ascertain the identity of those responsible by working with the local schools and youth clubs. Safer Neighbourhood Team members have attended the local schools and presented school assemblies on Anti Social Behaviour and the consequences.

Action Date

ASB around Hagley.

The local Policing team have received multiple reports of Anti Social behaviour and drug activity in and around Hagley.

Reports suggest this involves groups of youths acting anti socially, noise issues and possible drug use.

Issue Date Friday 4th May 2018

The Safer Neighbourhood Team are working with partner agencies to find solutions to the Anti social behaviour and are conducting extra high Visability patrols to identify any drug related activity.

Action Date

Motorcycles being ridden in an anti social manner in New Road and through St Chads Park. 

Issue Date Sunday 22nd March 2015

1. Targetted Patrol by Local Patrol and SNT officers.

2. Routine patrols through St Chads Park by PCSO's.

3. Use of Social Media to urge residents to identify offenders. 

Action Date

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.