Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Thames Valley Police

The information on this page is provided by Thames Valley Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Every neighbourhood in Thames Valley has a dedicated Neighbourhood Policing team.

Neighbourhood Policing teams can be contacted via 101, the Thames Valley Police non-emergency number. Always call 999 in an emergency.

Neighbourhood Policing teams…
  • Are led by senior police officers and include police community support officers (PCSOs), often together with volunteer police officers, volunteers and partners.
  • May serve one or several neighbourhoods.
  • Work with local people and partners to identify, tackle and prevent local, low-level crime, anti-social behaviour, and any ongoing concerns.
  • Provide you with a visible, accessible and accountable police service and aim to make your neighbourhood safer.
  • Have been present in every Thames Valley neighbourhood since 1 April 2008.
  • Focus all of their efforts on their dedicated neighbourhoods, building relationships with local people.
Neighbourhood Policing…
  • Needs you to tell us about the issues that concern you in your area.
  • Has transformed policing at a local level, to meet the needs of local communities.
  • Is known as ‘Safer Neighbourhoods’ in Milton Keynes.

Have Your Say logo From the start of 2010, Thames Valley Police extended its neighbourhood consultation by introducing a wider range of publicised opportunities to meet neighbourhood teams.

We will provide open monthly meetings to allow the public to influence our priorities. These meetings will be branded as Have Your Say opportunities, and in many cases will be held in conjunction with partners.

Once local priorities have been identified, a broader ‘toolkit’ of problem-solving tactics is being made available to ensure crime and anti-social behaviour is tackled effectively.

Across the Thames Valley area, there are many successful Neighbourhood Action Groups which will continue to deliver local problem solving, but the introduction of Have Your Say meetings will allow neighbourhood teams to identify more quickly those specific local priorities that need attention.

Thames Valley Police views the introduction of Have Your Say meetings as a positive step in tackling issues that matter most to the public. I welcome your support and engagement in this endeavour.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities


Issue Date Tuesday 8th August 2023

Based on feedback from the public, burglary continues to be one of the highest concerns. Due to this, the neighbourhood policing team continues to make this one of their top priorities, particularly now as the winter months begin to draw in.

The neighbourhood policing team have been conducting directed patrols of identified high risk areas, increasing their visibility in the area in an effort to deter burglars. They have been working with local Neighbourhood Watch Teams to put in place free Crime Reduction surveys for victims of burglaries as well as their neighbours.

Action Date Friday 3rd November 2023


Issue Date Tuesday 8th August 2023

Drugs continues to be a top priority for the Neighbourhood Policing Team. They are proactive in cracking down on drug offences through utilising intel from the community and conducting direct visible patrols of the areas that have been identified as high risk.

Over the summer months, the team have taken part in numerous joint police operations and carried out warrants for suspected drug activity, resulting in the arrest of over 180 drug offenders, as well as the seizure of large amounts of drugs, drugs related cash and equipment.

Action Date Friday 3rd November 2023


Issue Date Tuesday 8th August 2023

As suggested by the local community, speeding continues to be a priority issue for The neighbourhood policing team. The team has conducted speed enforcements and speed checks on roads that are identified as having increased levels of speeding. Checks were carried out on Woodside Road, Amersham and Austenwood Lane, Chalfont St Peter, offenders were issued with fixed penalty tickets. In addition, mobile enforcement via road safety vans, as well as highly visible fixed speed cameras, have continued to be an effective tool in both preventing and enforcing penalties on speeding.

We also support and work with the local community speed watch teams, made up of volunteers who want to assist in making their roads safer for everyone in the area. So far, their work has been highly effective in preventing re-offending.

Action Date Friday 3rd November 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.