Crime Check UK

Leek Rural

A local policing neighbourhood in Staffordshire Police

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Leek rural consists of both rural and urban areas. It covers Endon, Stockton Brook, Brown Edge, Stanley, Bagnall, Longsdon, Rudyard, Horton and Rushton Spencer.

The area has one high school that is located in Endon and several primary schools. There are significant leisure facilities such as an 18-hole golf course in Stockton Brook, boating clubs in Stanley and Endon, and Rudyard Lake which is an area of natural beauty with boating facilities and a mini steam railway line. There are numerous public footpaths for ramblers and a canal towpath that runs through from Stockton Brook to Longsdon. Parts of this stretch of towpath have undergone an archaeological dig to reveal the industrial innovations in the local area.

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Neighbourhood Map

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