Crime Check UK

Doncaster South

A local policing neighbourhood in South Yorkshire Police

The information on this page is provided by South Yorkshire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

MEXBOROUGH: The feedback we have had for some time indicates that organised crime (particularly those involved in drug supply), vehicle related nuisance and general anti-social behaviour are amongst the key concerns of resident

Issue Date Friday 5th April 2024

The Neighbourhood Team continues to work with other agencies within South Yorkshire Police to tackle organised criminality in the area, using a range of enforcement and engagement tactics. We have had significant results over recent weeks, months and years, with a number of key individuals involved now serving time in prison. We continue to relentlessly pursue anyone who steps in to fill the gap left.

We continue to have some reporting around Anti-Social Behaviour in and around the Town Centre. This is predominantly youth-ASB and adult street drinkers. Through work with schools, local shops, the council and the community, and by taking a firm approach with those involved, we have achieved significant reductions in the volume of reports when compared to last year. However, work continues on this as such issues can recur.

We continue to work with partners and our off-road bike team to tackle vehicle nuisance in the area. The ongoing work includes target hardening of some key locations and education of individuals in the area, along with enforcement work. We need the public to keep reporting the issues to help us continue to build an accurate intelligence picture and provide evidence to bid for further resources.

Action Date

CONISBROUGH AND DENABY: The primary concerns reported to us are around organised criminality linked to drug supply, and Anti-Social Behaviour related to groups of young persons in Denaby and the town centre, and street drinkers in the Town centre. Nuisance vehicles also continue to feature as an issue raised in the area

Issue Date Friday 5th April 2024

The Neighbourhood Team continues to work with our Fortify (gang enforcement) colleagues to tackle organised criminality in the area through a range of enforcement and engagement tactics. We have had a number of significant results over the last 12 months or so in relation to those involved, with a number of key individuals now imprisoned and work ongoing to target the remainder. Our results have led to a shifting picture of organised criminality in the area, leading us to have to continually adapt our approach .

We worked, and continue to work, with Council and St Leger Homes (and other) colleagues on a range of measure to address the issues of Youth ASB across the area and town centre drinking that we see on and off in this ward. Recent months have seen a significant improvement as a result of our actions, though some issues remain that we are continuing to target.

We also continue to work in partnership to try to address the issue of nuisance vehicles, which is typically off road vehicles and speeding in this area. I would encourage residents to report these issues whenever they arise to help us to build an intelligence picture and evidence base to bid for specialist resources to assist.

Action Date

EDLINGTON AND WARMSWORTH: The primary concerns reported to us are around organised criminality related to drug supply, and Anti-Social Behaviour caused by local youths

Issue Date Friday 5th April 2024

The Neighbourhood Team continues to work with our Fortify (gang enforcement) colleagues to tackle organised criminality in the area through a range of enforcement and engagement tactics. As with some of our other areas we've had some really significant results in the last year or so, with several key members of the local group currently behind bars or having fled from the area. Work continues to build on these results.

We are working with Council, St Leger Homes, Schools (and other) colleagues on a range of measures to address the issue of Youth ASB in the area, and though we have recently had some significant results in arresting and charging some of the most persistent offenders, we are aware that this remains a key issue for us to target.

Action Date

TICKHILL AND WADWORTH, ROSSINGTON AND BAWTRY, FINNINGLEY: The primary concerns being raised to us in these areas are around serious acquisitive crime, predominantly in the form of vehicles being targeted; and Anti-Social Behaviour in the form of nuisance vehicles - including off road bikes, quads and speeding.

Issue Date Friday 5th April 2024

The Neighbourhood team is working with other policing teams and partners to try to target harden locations which are being subject to repeat thefts, and to target those suspected of being involved in the thefts. We are also maximising our own patrol time in these areas whenever possible and are working with 24/7 policing resources to provide patrol coverage out of our team’s working hours.

Some of these offences are likely linked to the issue of quad bikes being ridden off road in these areas, which is another aspect of this offending we are targeting in conjunction with the Force’s Off Road Bike Team. We have had recent successes with off-road vehicle seizures in these areas, which are usually publicised on our Facebook page.

The team is also completing regular speeding operations, to target this issue, which we know is particularly felt in the outer villages.

Action Date

Neighbourhood Events

Warmsworth coffee morning drop in session
Wednesday 10th July 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Warmsworth library, Warmsworth

Warmsworth coffee morning drop in session

Mexborough - Community engagement meeting
Thursday 25th July 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Mexborough Library, John Street, Mexborough. Entrance is to the rear for the community hall.

Community engagement meeting for Mexborough

Drop in - Mexborough indoor market
Friday 26th July 2024
from 10:00AM to 12:00PM
Mexborough indoor market

Drop in session

Warmsworth coffee morning drop in session
Wednesday 14th August 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Warmsworth library, Warmsworth

Warmsworth coffee morning drop in session

Conisbrough/Denaby - Community engagement meeting
Thursday 29th August 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
The Ivanhoe Centre, Conisbrough

Community engagement meeting for Conisbrough/Denaby

CEM Bawtry and Austerfield
Thursday 29th August 2024
from 6:30PM to 7:30PM
St Nicholas Church Hall, Bawtry

Community Engagement meeting

Warmsworth coffee morning drop in session
Wednesday 11th September 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Warmsworth library, Warmsworth

Warmsworth coffee morning drop in session

CEM Bawtry and Austerfield
Thursday 10th October 2024
from 6:30PM to 7:30PM
St Nicholas Church Hall, Bawtry

Community Engagement meeting

Conisbrough/Denaby - Community engagement meeting
Thursday 24th October 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
The Ivanhoe Centre, Conisbrough

Community engagement meeting for Conisbrough/Denaby

Conisbrough/Denaby - Community engagement meeting
Thursday 5th December 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
The Ivanhoe Centre, Conisbrough

Community engagement meeting for Conisbrough/Denaby

CEM Bawtry and Austerfield
Thursday 12th December 2024
from 6:30PM to 7:30PM
St Nicholas Church Hall, Bawtry

Community Engagement meeting

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.