Crime Check UK

Barnsley North

A local policing neighbourhood in South Yorkshire Police

The information on this page is provided by South Yorkshire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Neighbourhood Priorities

Off road bikes and quad bikes were an issue on Laithes Lane fields.

Issue Date Monday 1st January 2024

Seized a number of off road bikes and quad bikes from the fields and surrounding area, at different times of day and evening.

Liaised with the SYP ORBIT (Off-Road Bike Intervention Team) and updated with current activity including hot times and days for offenders.

We are also working with partners to make the field more difficult to access. We have deployed long range cameras and drones to the fields to identify offenders and where they come from.

With partners we have visited offenders and prosecuted them, and they have been given warning and advice regarding their tenancies.

Action Date Thursday 14th March 2024

There have been 3-4 fires in the park at Mapplewell and motor bikes on the football pitch. This caused damage to the surface of the MUGGA and tennis court. The park is a nice place for families and the community and we don't want anti-social behaviour.

Issue Date Monday 1st January 2024

With our partners at the Council we have conducted a survey on the nearby streets, and with people and families using the park. We have put up signs with a QR code on to allow anyone to complete the survey. We have used this information and identified that the fires were from wheelie bins stolen from nearby. We have engaged with local residents to offer advice on securing bins. With our partners we have identified gardens likely to attract offenders to get rubbish and wood. Our partners have enforced that the gardens be cleared. We have used our drone with fantastic camera to discreetly patrol the park and surrounding area. Along with our partners we have patrolled the park at the relevant times. From the surveys an offender has been highlighted and he will be visited with a view of tenancy action. The patrols will continue.

Action Date Thursday 14th March 2024

There is a house in our estate that is the centre of anti-social behaviour, suspicious behaviour and criminality.

Issue Date Monday 1st January 2024

Responded to your reports, seized 3 stolen vehicles and arrested a visitor to the address. We conducted a survey on the street and used this information to support a 3 month closure order application, which was granted by the courts. This means that only the occupant and selected, appropriate people are allowed at the address. We have conducted further visits and patrols. The closure order has allowed space and time for our partners to offer and provide support to the occupant in an attempt to prevent the situation reverting back once the closure order expires.

Action Date Thursday 14th March 2024

There have been offenders walking our streets trying our cars doors and taking our belongings.

Issue Date Monday 1st January 2024

We diligently investigated each report and through the local knowledge identified the offenders of a series of offences. We quickly tracked them down and arrested the pair. With the evidence from the community we were able to charge and remanded them to court. We then worked with partner agencies to take tenancy action one of the offenders. We have also held a number of engagement events to encourage and advise the community on how to best secure their belongings. We have also shared this information by social media and SYP Alerts. We have also erected signage to remind local residents to secure their vehicles. Throughout the hours of darkness we have conducted both high visibility and plain clothed patrols. These offenders have not been suspected of further offences.

Action Date Thursday 14th March 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Police and Communities Together (PACT)
Tuesday 25th June 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM
The Roundhouse Library

Police and Communities Together (PACT)

Police and Communities Together (PACT)
Tuesday 20th August 2024
from 3:00PM to 4:00PM
The Roundhouse Library

Police and Communities Together (PACT)

Police and Communities Together (PACT)
Tuesday 15th October 2024
from 5:00PM to 6:00PM
The Roundhouse Library

Police and Communities Together (PACT)

Police and Communities Together (PACT)
Tuesday 10th December 2024
from 2:00PM to 3:00PM
The Roundhouse Library

Police and Communities Together (PACT)

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.