Crime Check UK

Wollaton West

A local policing neighbourhood in Nottinghamshire Police

The information on this page is provided by Nottinghamshire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
  • telephone: 101 Ext 310 3344 - Please don't use this extension number to report crimes or incidents - crime should be reported via 999 in an emergency, or 101 for non-emergencies.
Neighbourhood Priorities

Shop Theft - April 2024 to June 2024

Local priority setting meetings were held in March 2024, these were attended by partners who all work on both the Wollaton Ward.
It has been identified that Shop Theft has seen an increase on this ward, this is in line with a general increase across the Nottinghamshire force area and nationally other Police Forces are reporting increases.

All Partners recognise that they can contribute to trying to reduce this crime and agree there are many motivations behind its increase including, Drug and alcohol dependencies, the cost of living crisis and reduction in many families being able to cope on existing budgets.
Partners will support by providing debt advise, budgeting advice, access to food banks , drug and alcohol treatment referrals.

Police will work with retailers to try and increase store security , design out problem areas and improve physical deterrents such as store security and CCTV.

Police will investigate offences and target those offenders that repeatedly commit them, robustly collating all the available evidence so that we can provide strong prosecution files. For those repeat offenders we will be asking for Criminal behaviour orders to be granted upon conviction to provide additional measures to control those that commit multiple offences . We will work with housing providers to look at any civil powers that can be put in place if they live and commit offences in their neighbourhood.

Police will look at avenues where stolen goods are realised and sold on and target those that handle these stolen goods, we are aware that social media sites selling stolen goods are prevalent and will investigate those behind these sites.

Shop Theft is not a victim less crime , it affects companies and there ability to employ local people , losses impact the pricing of goods that affect the wider community.

Issue Date Monday 3rd June 2024


June Update

On the Wollaton ward we continue to focus on shop theft as a priority , despite a spike in April the rates have come down , we look at every shop theft incident and explore all evidential leads to bring the offenders to justice . A lot of these types of crimes are committed by a few individuals so we do look at an offender management approach as well with support and referrals submitted when in custody alongside pursuing arrests for fail to appear warrants .

Below are the number of shop theft Offences per month for the Wollaton ward .

March 19
April 32

Action Date Monday 3rd June 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.