Crime Check UK

West Bridgford

A local policing neighbourhood in Nottinghamshire Police

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Rushcliffe Neighbourhood Priorities - May to July 2023.

Issue Date Wednesday 26th April 2023

Speeding & Road Safety

Identified as a priority because:
In a recent survey by residents of Rushcliffe speeding and road safety issues were identified as an area of concern. The area is both urban and rural and has a wide variety of roads which can be dangerous if not driven on safely and legally.

What we are doing:
We already run a number of operation related to speeding and road safety and will continue to do so. ‘Fatal Four Offences’ are the identified driving offences most likely to lead to death and serious injuries on our roads - Seatbelts, Mobile Phone Use, Speeding and Drink Driving. Specific operation will be run by the Neighbourhood Policing and Operation Reacher Teams.

Shop theft & Anti-Social behaviour – Central Avenue, West Bridgford

Identified as a priority because:
Anti-social behaviour has decreased significantly in the area since the start of the operation but it is our aim to keep it this way. ASB has a real impact on everyone who lives, visits and works close by especially during busier periods. It often leads to other offences like shop theft, drug use and begging all of which have an equally significant impact. Anti-social behaviour affects a victim’s quality of life and/or livelihoods and without intervention of the police or partner agencies often goes on for an extended period of time. Shoplifting at some business has increased.

What we are doing:
Operation Botanical is the operational name we use to identify what we are doing about anti-social behaviour, shop lifting and the associated issues on Central Avenue. We are continuing our patrols to ensure ASB remains low and also work with businesses and partners to reduce shoplifting offender.
Our Operation Reacher and proactive teams from around the Force complete patrols. The beat managers are PC Matt Holden and PCSO Lisa Bee. We meet and work with our partners to look at the longer term support needed to safeguard those involved as well as making arrests when required. These patrols will continue throughout this priority period.

Action Date Wednesday 26th April 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.