Crime Check UK

Sneinton and Dales

A local policing neighbourhood in Nottinghamshire Police

The information on this page is provided by Nottinghamshire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
  • telephone: 101 Ext 310 2343 - Please don't use this extension number to report crimes or incidents - crime should be reported via 999 in an emergency, or 101 for non-emergencies.
Neighbourhood Priorities

City South Priorities - April- June 2024

Issue Date Monday 15th April 2024

City South Priorities - April- June 2024

The City South comprises of the St Ann's, Mapperley, Clifton, Meadows, Sneinton and Dales areas. Whilst each area is very different a number of overarching strategic priorities have been identified through analysis of crime, consultation with partners, the PCC crime survey and feedback from our community.

These priorities do not replace those local priorities raised at community meetings. The priorities are updated monthly and reviewed quarterly. The City South areas have such different demographics each area has its own issues and problems therefore in order to capture all the elements raised the priorities are deliberately non-specific to ensure they remain relevant to all.


Drugs continues to be a priority as it is intrinsically linked with many other crimes and taking a strong approach to drugs impacts on other areas.
The City South will carry on targeting drug offenders in the bid to hopefully send out a message that this kind of activity will not be tolerated.
Our neighbourhood teams have been consistent in our approach of taking positive action relating to intelligence received and acting on information that comes from within our communities.
We have continued to execute numerous drug warrants across the area and have recovered significant quantities of drugs from circulation in our communities.
Arrests have been made investigations are ongoing to ensure the appropriate action is taking by working with our partners in The City council by looking at appropriate closure orders and other punitive sanctions
We have targeted vehicles used by those involved in the distribution of drugs to make it difficult to engage in this activity on the City South area.

Acquisitive crime

Acquisitive crime is a priority due to the detrimental impact it has on its victims. so we will continue to positively deal with robbery, thefts, shop thefts, motor vehicle related offences and burglary. We will therefore carry on identifying these serial offenders, whilst focusing on 'hot spot' areas as early as possible to ensure we maximise opportunities of prosecutions, which ultimately leads to victims getting positive resolutions.

Significant inroads has been made in relation to retail crime that has severely effected all areas. The City south had suffered at the hands of this issue, but y working with teams from across the force and private sector including the COOP and Mitie we have managed to reduce the month on month offending within stores on the City South.
High visibility patrols, covert operations, Pop up beat surgeries and taking positive action against the offenders have all had a significant impact on the offending over the past three months

Antisocial Behaviour.

Having consulted with counsellors and key individuals in your communities, I have identified that a number of significant issues are taking place in your areas, that comes under the heading of antisocial Behaviour.
You have told us that antisocial driving and speeding is a concern, as is intimidating and antisocial behaviour on and around the tram network.
Given the broad nature of this heading it gives me and my team the opportunity to focus our efforts on particular areas in each of your communities and is why ASB will be a priority for the wards of City South for the next three months.
We routinely carryout Speeding operations in The Dales, Clifton, St Anns and Mapperley as I am acutely aware of the concerns this behaviour has on the communities.
Our officers have been out on foot and in vehicles in the Meadows area disrupting antisocial behaviour and targeting drug dealing. We have increased the policing cover in The Meadows over the past month to offer further assurances of our commitment to the area.
Antisocial behaviour in St Anns is being addresses by patrols in hotspots identified through Policing experience, use of data and feedback from the community. Our neighbourhood teams will be increasing their visibility in the chase and community centre in the next month to ensure an additional point of contact for residents.
Our three priorities are there to ensure you feel and are safe why being in our area, we will continue to fight crime and listen to you and understand what is needed with you to make sure that you feel safe and improve your confidence in our ability to deal with your concerns, providing an excellent service, which we deliver with pride compassion and integrity.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.