Crime Check UK

Mansfield Town Centre

A local policing neighbourhood in Nottinghamshire Police

The information on this page is provided by Nottinghamshire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The current local policing priorities for the area are:

Shop Theft
Vehicle ASB
Drug Dealing

Contact Details
  • email: [email protected] - Please don't use this email address to report crimes or incidents - crime should be reported via 999 in an emergency, or 101 for non-emergencies.
Neighbourhood Priorities

Shop Theft:

This remains a force wide and national issue with regards to increases in offending and unfortunately this includes increases in Mansfield as well.

However, whilst we have seen an increase in offending in Mansfield we have also seen an increase in positive outcomes with more than one in three shop thefts being detected (this represents a 65% increase on positive outcomes (charge, report for summons, caution, PND etc.) versus 2021/2022) which is the second highest detection rate in the County.

Issue Date Tuesday 10th September 2024

This will remain the priority of the Town Centre team (but also in other areas of Mansfield experiencing spikes). Many of our prolific offenders currently in prison due to the actions of Mansfield Neighbourhood Policing Team.

We have also managed to secure several Criminal Behaviour Orders for our most prolific offenders (these ban offenders from certain businesses or areas, ban them from doing certain things, put positive conditions on them such as engaging with drug treatment services etc.) and we have several more in the works.

We also now have a Priority Crime Team who look at Countywide issues with travelling shop theft offenders as well as the most prolific repeat offenders in the County.

We have regular Operation Amberstag enforcement days in the Town Centre (whereby we work with partner agencies such as Mansfield District Council, the BID, Framework etc. to tackle the issues most prevalent in the Town Centre, including shoplifting) and we are currently planning a SaBA (Safer Business Action) Day in October. This is a joint approach by police, business, private security, Business Crime Reduction Partnerships (BCRPs) and Business Improvement Districts (BIDs) working in partnership to focus resources into a designated location to create a significant impact to reduce crime.

Action Date Tuesday 10th September 2024

Drug Dealing:

We understand that concerns around drug dealing are consistently reported highly amongst our communities regarding incidents that affect them most. Furthermore, we receive numerous reports and pieces of intelligence with regards to drug dealing out in the community as well as addresses members of the public believe are being used to deal from (often with concerns for the residents of those addresses regarding possible cuckooing) as well as addresses suspected to be cannabis grows.

Issue Date Tuesday 10th September 2024

Officers will continue to work with the community and utilise information and feedback to obtain warrants to target addresses. We will provide updates via our Social Media pages following the completion of these warrants and, where appropriate, will look to obtain closure orders (as we have done with several other premises this year).

We will also undertake Operation Guardian (drugs dog led policing stop and search operation) in Mansfield Town Centre during the night time economy.

We will continue to bid for the County Knife Crime Team (who are specialist officers focussing on not only knife crime offenders but also drug dealers as these offences often go hand in hand).

Action Date Tuesday 10th September 2024

Vehicle ASB:

We have seen increased reports of anti-social behaviour involving vehicles. This priority will focus on three main areas:

•E-Scooters – Raised by the Mayor as an issue reported by constituents in the Town Centre and surrounding areas
•Vehicles in Tesco, Oak Tree Car park and other areas in the evenings and overnight. Numerous reports from members of the public who live nearby reporting loud gatherings, engine revving, screeching tires etc. affecting their ability to sleep, have their windows open and general quality of life.
•Off Road Bikes – Not only in the Desert area and fields but more so in residential areas and on our roads.

Issue Date Tuesday 10th September 2024

We are looking to deal with these issues via the following methods:

•E-Scooters – Operation Amberstag (multi-agency days of action in Town Centre), joined up work with Mansfield District Council CCTV operators (to shout up over shopwatch radio if spotted and also Mansfield District Council ASB Officers and Wardens as E-Scooters are considered mechanically propelled vehicles and as such are prohibited by the PSPO meaning wardens and ASB officers can issues tickets / dispersal notices regarding their use). Police do have the power to seize these e-scooters and issue penalty notices. We will put out further communications on Social Media regarding the legality of e-scooters to raise public awareness.
•Vehicles in Tesco, Oak Tree –Officers will continue to attend, gather evidence, engage with those in the car park and issue s.59 Police Reform Act 2002 tickets where appropriate. If those persons issued tickets are found causing issues again by using their vehicles in an anti-social manner, the vehicle can be seized.
•Off Road Bikes – We will launch a campaign requesting information from members of the public (which can be given anonymously if required) with regards to any footage of off road bikes being ridden in an illegal manner, any details of times / dates seen, details of riders / addresses they may be from / being kept etc. We will then conduct further CCTV enquiries to obtain more evidence. We will keep a database of all information provided in the hopes of being able to link up information. Should this be possible, the persons will be dealt with robustly and appropriately (for example, reported to court for any driving offences and bikes seized).

Action Date Tuesday 10th September 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.