Crime Check UK

Wimbledon Park

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Concerns were raised by the community about drug related crime and ASB in and around the Reynolds Gate development. Due to these concerns, we will focus on violence linked to drug supply in and around the development.

Issue Date Saturday 20th January 2024

The team will be conducting targeted patrols in and around the development which will include a mixture of high visibility and plain clothed patrols.
The team will engage and work with any individuals believed to involved with drug supply. The team has already issued a number of community protection warning notices and Cannabis Warning Letters to addresses within the development. Officers will utilise their stop and search and arrest powers where necessary.

Officers will seek opportunities to improve drug supply intelligence and seek to detect, deter and disrupt criminal networks and drug dealers.

Action Date Saturday 20th January 2024

Wimbledon Park SNT conducted analysis of local crime statistics which highlighted a hotspot area for motor vehicles crimes in Melrose Avenue, Vineyard Hill Road, Dora Road and Kenilworth Avenue. For this reason, the ward panel agreed we should focus on reducing the number of motor vehicle crime specifically, but not exclusively to the above areas.

Issue Date Saturday 20th January 2024

The team will be conducting targeted patrols in and around Melrose Avenue, Vineyard Hill Road, Dora Road and Kenilworth Avenue which will include a mixture of high visibility and plain clothed patrols.
Officers will visit the victims of TFMV or TOMV. Officers will post leaflets asking for any witnesses / CCTV that may aid the investigation. The leaflet will also give crime prevention advise and contact details for the team.

Action Date Saturday 20th January 2024

Recent analysis of the Wimbledon Park area shows that there has been an increase in bike shed/out building burglaries in Wimbledon Park area especially on Revelstoke Road. For this reason, the ward panel agreed we should focus on reducing the number of burglaries, especially those of shed/outbuilding burglaries in, but not limited to Revelstoke Road

Issue Date Saturday 20th January 2024

The team will be conducting targeted patrols around Revelstoke Road on Wimbledon Park Ward. These patrols will include a mixture of high visibility and plain clothed patrols.
Officers will conduct door to door enquiries to any victim of burglary and all neighbouring properties. Officers will post leaflets asking for any witnesses / CCTV that may aid the investigation. The leaflet will also give crime prevention advice and contact details for the team.

Action Date Saturday 20th January 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.