Crime Check UK

William Morris

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Drug use and dealing - Concerns were raised by the community about drug taking/dealing around JEWEL ROAD E17 and surrounding areas. Officers will perform targeted patrols around the location and surrounding streets. Officers will also engage with the local community to understand the pattern and relevance of the location being used for drug activity.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Officers have conducted targeted patrols on the location and also spoke to local community regarding the ASB caused by people loitering on the location. Officers will mark this location as their default hotspot and will take action against any one involved in illegal activities.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

ASB at BROOK COURT E17 - There are concerns of ASB and drugs use/supply at Brook Court and surrounding car parks. SNT officers will be patrolling the location on various times to tackle the issues and issue ASB warning/CPWs/CPNs to any one breaching any laws and committing any offences.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

High visibility patrols took place at targeted times, joint patrols were conducted along with neighbouring SNT officers. ASB warnings have been issued to few males found on the location causing ASB. officers spoke to the local residents at the location and gave advice to report any future incidents to police. Officers will continue their patrols on the location.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Drug use at Lloyd Park - There are concerns about males going to Lloyd Park and using/dealing drugs in a bushy area next to William Morris Gallery. In response to this officers will perform a number of targeted patrols over the next few months to tackle the issue and prosecute any offenders involved in illegal activity in the park.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Officers have conducted number of targeted patrols and found people smoking drugs on the location in Lloyd Park. Offenders have been served with Community resolutions, Fixed Penalty Notices and being street charged. Offenders have also been served with ASB warning where strong word of advice given not to be in the location and cause ASB or smoke drugs. Officers will continue their targeted patrols of the location.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.