Crime Check UK

West End

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Soho has been identified as a repeat area for robbery occurring in the West End. Soho is a small area relative to other wards in the area, it has a bustling night time economy which many thousands of people come to, primarily over the weekends. Robbery in Soho is mainly fuelled by the night time economy. Intoxicated patrons leaving bars, clubs, and pubs become targets for groups and individuals intent on stealing their personal property. It is a concern of Soho residents and visitors alike, as robbery is a highly invasive and distressing crime to become victim of. The Met has tasked pan-London units to patrol in Soho to combat these violent offences. The West End Proactive Partnership Team is the West End’s dedicated team of officers that are out on foot patrol covering the night time economy. They continue to actively target robbery suspects.

Issue Date Friday 29th December 2023

Proactive teams from the Met's Violent Crime Taskforce and Territorial Support Group have already been conducting targeted patrols around Soho. This has seen numerous arrests for robbery and related offences, and disrupting those suspected of being involved in violent offences. Officers in Soho will continue to proactively identify offenders and stop robberies from occurring. Using evidence based approaches, targeting specific roads where the majority of offences are known to occur. High visibility patrols will continue to provide reassurance to members of the public, and provide both reactive and proactive elements in combating robbery, so officers are able to quickly attend calls in Soho. Local Ward officers will be hosting crime prevention stalls, and engagement events in busy areas of Soho which anyone is welcome to attend.

Action Date Friday 29th December 2023

Soho has seen sporadic but concentrated issues surrounding the blatant use of drugs on the streets. Several areas in Soho have repeatedly had issues with drug users congregating in areas with low foot traffic, doorways and poorly lit areas. Officers are aware and engaging with drug users, who the majority of are vulnerable or living on the streets. Officers have worked alongside the council and outreach services in order to take a longer term non-enforcement action, which in the long run will produce better more time efficient results as opposed to constantly arresting offenders. Some users/offenders are not engaging well with the diversion and assistance routes offered to them so enforcement action will be taken.

Issue Date Friday 29th December 2023

Officers will continue to carry out proactive targeted patrols to problem areas at the times of day identified by residents. Officers to better utilise their stop and search powers coupled with solid information and intelligence submitted by residents and victims of Anti-Social Behaviour. Officers will also continue to make referrals to outreach services to those willing to engage. Officers will be issuing CPWs, CPN,s and eventually CBOs to prolific offenders that cause anti-social behaviour through the use of drugs. For residents, please submit information reports through official Met reporting channels as this information will get filtered to us, and we will use this information to proactively target anti-social behaviour hotspots.

Action Date Friday 29th December 2023

Several Businesses in and around Leicester square have told Local Officers that they have seen an increase in problems relating to Pedi cabs always blocking pavements and playing loud music after 9pm when they are not allowed too. They were concerned that PEDICABS are all coming together and parking their Pedi cabs mainly outside Hippodrome Casino. In response to this officers from the local team will perform targeted patrols over the next three months specifically looking at this issue. Problem Solving will take place working with Westminster Council and Wept team to further reduce long term impact of this problem where appropriate and available.

Issue Date Friday 29th December 2023

Targeted patrols took place at different times, resulting in a number of CPN’s and community resolution for Pedi cabs. In addition, Officers will continue to find innovative ways to tackle this problem over the following month to ensure no reoccurrence, but we ask the public to report any issues with Pedi cabs, no matter how small it may seem. There have been a decrease of Pedi cabs in the area due to the approach officers and Westminster council have taken.

Action Date Friday 29th December 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Crime Prevention Stall
Thursday 20th June 2024
from 1:00PM to 2:30PM
St. Christophers Place

A one-to-one consultation session in conjunction with crime prevention advice.

Cuppa with a Copper
Wednesday 31st July 2024
from 12:30PM to 2:00PM
Salvation Army, 275 Oxford Street. Mayfair session.

An opportunity to have a Cuppa with your local Cops

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.