Crime Check UK

Wembley Central

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities


S- To reduce the Anti-Social Behaviour and tackle drug misuse on LANTERN Close Wembley.

M- This will be measured by speaking to residents and caretakers of the building by weekly and asking them to log any incidents. monitoring if there have been reductions in calls/ reports made.

A-Use of Brent CCTV if none in the area to request temporary camera. Conduct high visibility patrols.

R-improve public safety and better environment where individuals are confident and comfortable in their own street/area.

T-To be reviewed at the next ward panel meeting.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Regular uniformed and covert patrols to be conducted.

Action Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Manage the ASB, street drinkers, drug misuse and people breaking into the business unit squatting there.

S-To Manage the Anti-Social Behaviour in the area, the level of street drinkers hanging around BARHAM PARK as well as the drug misuse. Additionally to manage people breaking into the council business units and using it as a place for squatting.

M-This will be measured by keeping a spreadsheet log of the patrols conducted. Analysing how many stop and searches have taken place, fines issued for drinking and any arrests made. Which can be used to analyse how effective the problems are being managed and if there has been an impact on reducing crime. Information and Intelligence checks for the number of calls made to police and crime reported.

A-Regular patrols to be conducted. Working in Conjunction with council enforcement officers/police teams. Engaging with the community.
Appropriate action to be taken against offenders. All actions taken to be logged on the tracker spreadsheet. Walk and talk events by police officers and residents.

R-Due to the number of incidents that take place in this area impacting not only the local community but visitors to the park. There is a need to create a better environment for individuals visiting the park especially as many families come with their children. Violence against women and girls (VAWG)

T- To be reviewed at the next ward panel meeting.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Working with partner agencies to crackdown on the street drinkers and ASB/ squatting. Regular uniform and plain clothes patrols to be conducted and logged.

Action Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Reduce illegal parking and anti-social behaviour, street drinkers and aggressive beggars.

S-To reduce the illegal parking which causes a disruption to pedestrians and road users, level of antisocial behaviour especially at after school times. Additionally street drinkers and aggressive beggars causing the community and businesses issues.

M- This will be measured by keeping a spreadsheet log of the patrols conducted. Appropriate action to be taken against offenders. Information and intelligence checks on the number of calls to police and recorded crime.

A- Regular patrols to be conducted. Working in Conjunction with council enforcement officers/police teams. Engaging with the community. Appropriate action to be taken against offenders. All actions taken to be logged on the tracker spreadsheet. Use of Brent CCTV to monitor and identify trends in timing and exact locations.

R-Due to the busy and populated environment these issues will impact many individuals and businesses. Improve public safety/confidence on Wembley High Road.

T- To be reviewed at the next ward panel meeting.

Issue Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Working with partner agencies along with regular uniformed patrols to be conducted.

Action Date Wednesday 1st November 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Street briefing
Wednesday 26th June 2024
from 1:00PM to 1:45PM
Kathleen Avenue (top of the road at junction of Stanley Ave)

An outdoor meeting that any member of the public can attend held outdoors.

Street briefing
Saturday 6th July 2024
from 12:00PM to 12:45PM
One Tree Hill Recreation Ground ( Braemar Avenue entrance field side)

An outdoor meeting that any member of the public can attend held outdoors.

Street briefing
Friday 12th July 2024
from 6:00PM to 6:45PM
Braemar Avenue (Top od the road near Barclays Bank and RK AUTO service alleyway)

An outdoor meeting that any member of the public can attend held outdoors.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.