Crime Check UK

Wealdstone North

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Violence Against Women and Girls - VAWG - Wealdstone North Safer Neighbourhood Team is committed in the reduction in violent crime including in those crime committed against women and girls. This will be done by joint working with partner agencies and
a proactive policing approach.

Issue Date Thursday 18th April 2024

Wealdstone officers have conducted street briefings to advise Women and Girls around personal safety. Walk and talk events have been held along with partners to determine locations where lone females may feel vulnerable. Patrols around those locations along with educational literature have been distributed.

Action Date Thursday 18th April 2024

Anti-Social Behaviour - Wealdstone North Safer Neighbourhood Team will continue to work with partner agencies and stakeholders to tackle anti-social behaviour across the ward, including ongoing issues with street drinking.

Issue Date Thursday 18th April 2024

Officers have conducted joint patrols with Harrow Council Environmental Officers whereby several individuals have been issued Fixed Penalty Notices for street drinking. In addition to this several Community protection warning notices have been administered explaining that repeat offending will eventually lead to arrest. The team continue to maintain a high visibility presence during school finishing times to safeguard children on their routes home working closely with schools officers and teachers. Those attempting to engage in low level drug dealing across the Town centre are being dealt with robustly and this will continue, working closely with partners, residents and stakeholders

Action Date Thursday 18th April 2024

Road Safety - Wealdstone has recently undergone a series of renovations which has resulted in increased vehicle traffic in the area, as a result Safer Neighbourhood Officers will be tackling road safety in partnership with stakeholders and the council dealing with any road related offences coming to light.

Issue Date Thursday 18th April 2024

Wealdstone officers have been proactively targeting offenders using Harrow's roads. This has resulted in one arrest for drink drive, driving without due care and failing to stop at a Road traffic collision. Several drivers have been reported for traffic offences with two vehicles issued defect reports. As a result they required new MOTs and one driver reported to court for contravening a red traffic signal. Work continues with operations across the ward using Safer Transport officers to conduct speeding operations on busier roads. The team have recently arrested a prolific offender for multiple traffic offences

Action Date Thursday 18th April 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.