Crime Check UK

Wanstead Village

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

This priority remains the same as the past ones due to being ratified by the most recent ward panel as it is still a concern that the residents feel SNT should be focusing on:

Reduce anti-social behaviour in Wanstead high street over the next three months. In accordance of problem orientated policing.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024

S: Reduce the number of shoplifting and drug offences.

M: This will come in the form of crime data analysis for this period to see if offences have reduced.

A: Main high street in ward can be targeted with measures put in place to be monitored.
- High visibility patrols on the High Street
- Engagement with local stores that have been targeted
- Plain clothes deployment

R: Councillors and members of the public have identified and agreed on the location.

T: The period between ward panel meetings will be used to monitor the success of this problem-solving process. Resources will also be taken into consideration, review to take place prior to next ward panel meeting.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Reduce traffic offences on Wanstead High Street over the next three months. In accordance of problem orientated policing.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024

S: Deter/Reduce the number of traffic offences on Wanstead High Street.

M: This will come in the form of crime data analysis for this period to see if offences have reduced.

A: Wanstead High Street can be targeted with measures put in place to be monitored.
- Moving traffic operations
- Plain clothes and car deployment
- Engagement on high street for awareness

R: Councillors and members of the public have identified and agreed on the location.

T: The period between ward panel meetings will be used to monitor the success of this problem-solving process. Resources will also be taken into consideration, review to take place prior to next ward panel meeting.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Reduce Antisocial Behaviour at Snaresbrook train station

This priority remains the same as the past one due to being ratified by the most recent ward panel as it is still a concern that the residents feel SNT should be focusing on:

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024

S: Reduce antisocial behaviour in and around Snaresbrook Train Station

M: This will come in the form of crime data analysis for this period to see if offences have reduced.

A: This priority is achievable for the ward team and will be done through a mixture of tactics
- High visibility patrols at the station in the evening
- Plain clothes deployment
- Partnership working with BTP and staff at station

R: Councillors and members of the public have identified and agreed on the location.

T: The period between ward panel meetings will be used to monitor the success of this problem-solving process. Resources will also be taken into consideration, review to take place prior to next ward panel meeting.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.