Crime Check UK

Wanstead Park

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

This priority remains the same as the past ones due to being ratified by the most recent ward panel as it is still a concern that the residents feel SNT should be focusing on: School related ASB and thefts/robbery: Reduce robbery and theft of school pupils going to and from Wanstead High School (specifically Aldersbrook Road andWanstead Tube station) over the next three months.
S – School students being mugged or being victims of theft.
M - Use crime statistics to measure crimes occurrence
A - Two main areas within the ward can be targeted measures can be put in place and monitored
R - Councillors and members of the public have identified these roads
T - Over the next three months before the next ward panel meetings

Issue Date Tuesday 5th December 2023

Targeted patrols in and around the school during times students go to and from the school. Liaising with school to provide crime prevention advice and forming a partnership working model with the school. Street briefing on the roads affected to find out if there are any unreported crimes.

Action Date Tuesday 5th December 2023

This priority remains the same as the past ones due to being ratified by the most recent ward panel as it is still a concern that the residents feel SNT should be focusing on:
Reduce theft of motor vehicle and theft from motor vehicle on key streets on the ward (Wanstead Park Avenue and Northumberland Avenue) over the next three months. In accordance of problem orientated policing.
S - Theft of motor vehicle and Theft from motor vehicle
M - Use crime statistics to measure crimes occurrence
A - Two main roads within the ward can be targeted
R - Councillors and members of the public have identified these roads
T – Over the next three months before the next ward panel meetings

Issue Date Tuesday 5th December 2023

Extra patrols of the affected streets at the specific times they have been reported in a covert manner and high visibility patrols. Partnership working with the council to make residents aware of crime prevention tactics plus provide reassurance.

Action Date Tuesday 5th December 2023

This priority remains the same as the past ones due to being ratified by the most recent ward panel as it is still a concern that the residents feel SNT should be focusing on:
Reduce residentially burglaries on key streets (Wanstead Park Avenue and Lakehouse estate) over the next three months.
S - Residential burglaries on roads adjacent to parks
M - Use crime statistics to measure crimes occurrence
A - Two main areas within the ward can be targeted measures can be put in place and monitored
R - Councillors and members of the public have identified these roads
T - Over the next three months before the next ward panel meetings

Issue Date Tuesday 5th December 2023

Targeted patrols on key streets to discourage crime and partnership working with Epping Forest constables to patrols the parks as well.

Action Date Tuesday 5th December 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.