Crime Check UK

St Mary Cray

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Drake Court is a homelessness hostel run by a The Depaul Charity. Housing young people aged from 16-25 years. Many of its residents have had previous dealings with the Police, with some known for offences including theft, knife crime and drugs related activity. Officers will conduct regular reassurance patrols and weapons sweeps at the location and surrounding roads. Officers will liaise with staff members and hold periodic drop in surgeries at the venue.

Issue Date Monday 26th February 2024

Regular uniformed patrols are carried out along with targeted plain clothes taskings. Staff at the location are spoken to regularly to capture information. Weapons sweeps are carried out when supported by recent intelligence.

Action Date Monday 26th February 2024

Incidents occur throughout the ward cluster and beyond, with a notable rise in activity throughout spring and summer months. Activity involves pit bikes, scramblers and quads accessing public and on occasions private land. This is not isolated to one area of the ward but Derry Downs and Grassmeade Recreation Ground is where police see most activity. In addition to regular patrols of hot spot areas, officers are to liaise with Bromley Council regarding identification of vulnerabilities with a view to installing or modifying existing target hardening measures. Officers will notify partners where measures currently in place have been damaged, removed or are being circumvented. Officers to increase their presence on social media to educate young riders (and parents) with regards legislation/offences and signpost them to legitimate venues where they can ride their bikes legally. Emergency Response Policing Teams (ERPT) are to be briefed to achieve 24/7 policing coverage. Advice/assistance to be sought from specialist policing units.

Issue Date Monday 26th February 2024

Targeted police patrols continue. Emergency Response Policing Teams (ERPT) have been briefed. Officers continue to liaise with Bromley Council with regards target hardening measures. Social media use has increased and leaflets/posters have been produced in partnership with Bromley Council to educate riders. Vehicle related ASB warnings have been served on offenders with others prosecuted for driving offences. CCTV, perimeter fencing explored.

Action Date Monday 26th February 2024

Residents report excessive speed by motorists at this location. Officers are committed to holding two speed awareness/enforcement operations across the ward cluster and where possible, will include input from Roads Transport Policing Command (RTPC) and utilize ANPR technology to identify offenders and contribute to road safety as part of our commitment to vision zero.

Issue Date Monday 26th February 2024

Officers are tasked twice a month to carry out speeding operations at hotspots identified through intelligence and local community feedback. These operations often involve working in partnership with Safer Transport and the Roads Policing Unit, who have access to specialist equipment/vehicles specific to the task. Officers are tasked with meeting roads policing objectives as part of Bromley Council's Community Impact Days.

Action Date Monday 26th February 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.