Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

The local community has expressed concerns regarding the issue of robbery and phone snatches in the local area. Residents have stated that there is an issue with phone snatching taking place particularly along the A10 and Stoke Newington High Street junction with the Crossway N16. The issue appears to take place at various times of the day in which members of the public have reported their phones snatched from their hands.

This is a long term goal and the safer neighbourhood team hopes to have made progress by the next ward panel meeting.

Issue Date Sunday 28th January 2024

The safer neighbourhood team will continue to conduct regular patrols, engaging with shops and residents to safeguard those in the area.

Also, the local SNT will work closely with the local council enforcement officers, as well as the local Town Centre Team in order to identify prolific offenders.

Action Date Sunday 28th January 2024

Residents have expressed concerns regarding anti-social behaviour from motorbikes being ridden at excessive speeds and causing noise pollution. Residents have stated the issue is particularly along Stoke Newington High Street and the A10. The motorbikes are being ridden in a manner which causes anti-social behaviour from late in the evening up until the early hours of the morning.
This is a long term goal that the safer neighbourhood hopes to have made progress by the next ward panel meeting.

Issue Date Sunday 28th January 2024

The local SNT team will aim to conduct regular patrols on and around the A10. This work can be bolstered by utilising a multi-agency approach with Hackney Council and local businesses to deter such activities. Also, the safer neighbourhood team will work with the safer transport team to identify prolific offenders and deter such activities.

Action Date Sunday 28th January 2024

The local community has expressed concerns regarding cyclists riding their bikes in an anti-social manner. Members of the public have stated that cyclists are riding their bikes on the pavements and nearly riding into pedestrians. Residents have stated that cyclists are riding their bikes through red lights and nearly hitting pedestrians crossing the road.

This is a long term goal that the safer neighbourhood hope to have made progress by the next ward panel meeting.

Issue Date Sunday 28th January 2024

Officers are conducting regular patrols, particularly during peak school times, to inform those walking dogs of the requirements to keep their dogs on leads. In addition, officers will utilise a multi-agency approach by liaising with Taskforce dog handlers for input and to contact Hackney Council for signage in the area.

Action Date Sunday 28th January 2024

Neighbourhood Events

ASB Surgery
Saturday 13th July 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
Stoke Newington Police Station

An indoor one-to-one consultation session.

Walk and Talk Initiative
Friday 19th July 2024
from 12:00PM to 1:00PM
Somerford Grove , community Hall

Female officers ‘buddying up’ with women from their communities to go out on patrol in open spaces, to discuss their experiences, concerns and reflections.

Bike marking scheme
Saturday 27th July 2024
from 12:00PM to 2:00PM
Clissold Leisure Centre

A one-to-one consultation session in conjunction with bike marking.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.