Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

1 Robbery
The local team will prioritise robberies following a few offences being recorded over the previous quarter.
All allegations of robbery within the ward will be attended, local enquiries with possible witnesses and CCTV will be pursued to assist in the investigation
Where possible, contact will be maintained with victims to ensure they are supported through the process
Any suspects will be targeted through ‘Achilles Heel’ tactics for other offences in order to deter these offenders.
Patrols will be completed in areas identified at high risk where possible to deter offenders
Stop and search will be used where intelligence supports action to detect people carrying weapons and stolen property
The team will engage with the Priority Crime Unit to support their investigations where possible
The success of the work will be based on the number of offences recorded between 6/03/2024 and 5/6/2024
These actions are achievable with prioritisation, however some will require the assistance of other teams and units
This is relevant due to the increased number of offences and the nature of the offence
The priority will be reviewed on 5th June 2024 at the next ward panel meeting

Issue Date Friday 15th March 2024

The local team will focus on drug use and supply, specifically targeting to disrupt users and supply of drugs. This will be achieved through concentration of Hot spot areas identified to us around Rayners Lane Estate, Newton Farm Ecology Park and the surrounding streets. Drugs users found in possession of drugs paraphernalia but not substance will be issued with Community Protection Notice Warnings (CPNW’s) in order to prohibit anti-social behaviour. Any breaches will be dealt with robustly.
Premises with closure orders will be monitored to ensure that they no longer attract drug users and keep the users visible on the streets to allow them to be dealt with by CPNW.
A Criminal Behaviour Order (CBO) will be considered in any conviction following breaches of CPN’s to give long term solutions
Drug users are believed to be influencing a spike in theft from motor vehicle offences and motor vehicle interference offences, this also fuels violent crime through the supply of drugs and disputes over territory around supply areas.
This will be measured as quantifiable results for searches of persons, premises and vehicles for drugs, CPNW’s issued and breaches of closures orders.
This priority has been set by the Ward Panel members and therefore is relevant
Actions to be collated after 3 months and referred to the panel on 5th June 2024 for review

Issue Date Friday 15th March 2024

The local team will prioritise anti-social behaviour. This covers a wide range of issues including tipping, littering, spitting, breaches of the public space protection order and noise issues.
The local ward team will triage allegations of ASB in the community which are reported to police. The team will work with Kingdom Security and ensure coverage of the ward when the ward team are not on duty is maximised using these other resources to address these concerns. Persons identified as causing ASB will be engaged with and where the evidence supports, issued with prohibitions under community protection legislation to address these behaviours. The police will continue to refer incidents of tipping to the local authority and assist where necessary in progressing their investigations into these offences.
This will be measured by collating the number of ASB allegations which are made to police and the relevant interventions that are introduced by police.
The ward team are actively involved in reducing ASB as part of our core duties and therefore with some intensification, this should be achievable
This priority has been set by the Ward Panel members and therefore is relevant
Actions to be collated after 3 months and referred to the panel on 5th June 2024 for review

Issue Date Friday 15th March 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Ward Panel meeting
Wednesday 18th September 2024
from 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Tithe Farm Sports Club

A meeting of the panel members to discuss local concerns and to and set priorities for the local police team.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.