Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Aggravated Burglary. We've had one occur on Hadley Road in October 2022. Three males armed with a knife and an axe. No one was seriously hurt and one of the suspects were identified and arrested, and was already known to police. However, we can appreciate the immediate community impact this would have on the ward residents. The fear of such a crime would likely have a knock-on effect on the quality of lives for the residents within the ward and the perception of crime would be exacerbated.

Issue Date Tuesday 28th November 2023

We will conduct patrols on foot and in vehicles in highlighted areas where such a crime has taken place. This is in order to offer some visibility and reassurance to residents. Where crimes have taken place after midnight, we can alter some of our shifts to conduct patrols to correspond to the times of when these offences occur, should there be an identifiable pattern.

Action Date Tuesday 28th November 2023

Theft of motor vehicles and thefts from motor vehicles on Enfield Road.
There has been a number of vehicles targeted there recently, which residents have raised concerns over.

Issue Date Tuesday 28th November 2023

To initiate targeted patrols on Enfield Road, as well as side roads. As these offences occur at times that may be past midnight, SNT will alter their shifts and do night patrols where possible. This will enable us to be present should these occur again and allow us to make progress in apprehending offenders.

Action Date Tuesday 28th November 2023

Reports from residents of black sacks of rubbish are being dumped from vehicles in the lay-bys on Hadley Road (near Monument and Ferny Hill Farm Shop), and on The Ridgeway. Fly-tipping is unsightly, attracts rats and mice, encourages more fly-tipping, and is a nuisance for residents living in the vicinity.

Issue Date Tuesday 28th November 2023

Patrols to be conducted in unmarked vehicles when available, in order to catch offenders in the act. Number-plates to be taken and run through our system to see if there are other known issues. We will liaise with the councils to get the rubbish removed, after attempts have been made to obtain offender details and issue them with a fine for the offence.

Action Date Tuesday 28th November 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Ward Panel meeting
Wednesday 24th July 2024
from 7:30PM to 9:00PM
St Mary Magdalene Church EN2 7AJ

A meeting of the panel members to discuss local concerns and to and set priorities for the local police team.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.