Crime Check UK

Pimlico South

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Serious youth violence continues to be a priority for the ward officers. Although there have been very few incidents of this recently there were many in the past and we do not want to return to this! Whilst the incidents have been rare in the past few years it does occasionally raise its head but the ward officer’s determination, dedication and knowledge has had a great effect on keeping a lid on this and improving the quality of life for the residents. The SNT officers sometimes use local resources to work in partnership with, in order to address any incidents or concerns as well as local partners including Westminster housing, local charities, schools and local leaders to prevent any further incidents.

Issue Date Tuesday 27th February 2024

Officers patrol regularly on the Churchill Gardens estate, providing a high visibility presence and reassurance for the residents- someone they can speak to about any concerns. The team also work closely with the youth club on the estate and engage with the young residents. They conduct regular weapon sweeps to reduce storage of weapons and the location is dependent on the recent intelligence received.
The use of community protection notices and other disposal options continues to be a great way of keeping a check on this.

Action Date Tuesday 27th February 2024

Residents in the Churchill Gardens estate have told Local Officers that they have seen an increase in anti-social behaviour on the estate committed predominantly by youths who reside on the ward or the surrounding wards. This anti-social behaviour recently has been committed in the communal areas predominantly in Meadow Garden and Chippendale House. In response to this officers from the local team will perform targeted high visibility patrols on the estate in the relevant blocks to firstly act as a deterrent but also to be there to witness and speak to those who are engaging in this anti-social behaviour and other activities such as spitting and cannabis smoking. Problem Solving will take place working with the local charities and support services alongside neighbourhood coordinators and speaking to the residents to further reduce long term impact of this problem where appropriate and available. The local ward officers have worked hard to improve this issue and although there are incidents they are decreasing in frequency, this is helped due to the officer’s personal approach as they know most of the youths and the use of CPN's etc.

Issue Date Tuesday 27th February 2024

The actions the officers will take to address this priority is to continue their high visibility patrols in the communal areas and those that are impacted by this anti-social behaviour. They will continue to issue community protection notices and warnings where appropriate and engage with both the youths and their families to dissuade them from repeating certain behaviours. The Meadow garden and Chippendale house will be targeted for the next few months and will then be re-assessed.

Action Date Tuesday 27th February 2024

Residents in St George’s Square and the surrounding residential streets have informed Local Officers that they have seen an increase in problems relating to drug taking and misuse in the square. They were concerned that drug dealing groups are coming into the area from other parts of South London and selling to the vulnerable individuals that live in the local hostels and to the street population who are drawn into the area by the appeal of Victoria station. In response to this officers from the local team will perform targeted patrols over the next three months specifically looking at this issue. Problem Solving will take place working with the local charities and support services alongside neighbourhood coordinators and speaking to the residents to further reduce long term impact of this problem where appropriate and available. Officers will be receiving support from other internal policing units such as the Territorial Support Group who support Local Policing within their crime focused weeks on areas throughout London. This work will also be supported by the area based Violence Suppression teams who can add extra numbers and skills to impact of resident’s concerns.

Issue Date Tuesday 27th February 2024

Local officers will address this issue by conducting regular patrols in the hotspot areas on the ward to act as a deterrent to the behaviour and also to address an anti-social behaviour or drug activity that they witness by means of community protection warnings or notices that target behaviours such as begging, littering and general ASB in the area. They will engage with other MET resources to provide more support and attention to the area and to engage and deal with individuals they find engaging in drugs or drug- related activity in the area. Local officers are also working with partner agencies to support the vulnerable individuals impacted by drug use and the related anti-social behaviour but they are also increasing their focus on disrupting drug supplies and dealings in the area by means of applying for warrants to seize drugs, to conduct stop and searches where grounds exist and take appropriate action such as arrest, the seizure of drugs and other disposal options will be considered. Officers engage in both uniformed patrols and plain clothes operations to target hotspot areas. Local officers also engage with both the staff and the residents of the hostels that are in the vicinity of the ward and the local street population to address the anti-social behaviour that they engage with and the impact it has on residents.

Action Date Tuesday 27th February 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.