Crime Check UK

Palace and Hurlingham

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Date Set: 10/02/2022
SMART Objectives:
S - reduce ASB on Thames Path and surrounding residential estates, conduct joint patrols with LET and issue CPNs to offenders
M- see significant reduction to ASB demand in locality
A- groups of youths and use of drugs have been linked to violence
R- previous operations and enforcement has been successful in vicinity
T - to be reviewed at next WP meeting/quarterly (updated November however kept same)

Issue Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Hi-visibility patrols have been conducted as well as a number of joint patrols with LET.

Action Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Date Set: 10/02/2022
SMART Objectives:
S- reduce MV/TFMV crime across ward, by patrolling car parks or vulnerable streets at relevant times, check car doors + crime prevention advice, joint Ops with other ward teams and traffic
M - Ensure ward is hard target for thieves, see return to previous levels of TFMV, increase in traffic processes
A- provides reassurance to public, part of core role, consistent feature in priorities and residents concern
R - static ops shown to be highly successful in processing and engaging with motorists or criminals using road network, prevention for insecure vehicles
T - updates quarterly to WP

Issue Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Patrols conducted across the ward and crime prevention advice given at street briefings.

Action Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Date Set: 10/02/2022
SMART Objectives:
S - Reduce/prevent Burglaries around Hurlingham Park and 'alphabet streets'
M - use of next door/ social media and leafletting to make resident aware
A- provides reassurance to public, part of core role, consistent feature in priorities and residents concern
R- target hardening and vigilence within communities prevents this acquisitive crime as does hi vis patrols
T - to be reviewed at next WP meeting/quarterly (reduction, residents happy continues)

Issue Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Patrols conducted across the ward and crime prevention advice given at street briefings.

Action Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.