Crime Check UK

North Hanwell

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Drug Dealing - Poets Corner, Drayton Manor High School and surrounding areas

S - Reduce drug related ASB in the Hanwell, W7 area.
M - SNT to conduct HVP and plain clothes patrols where reasonable in hot spot zones in order to deter culprits, by means of arrests, stop and searches, etc.
A - SARA problem solving model will be conducted.
R - This priority is relevant and voted in at a Ward Panel meeting.
T - This will be conducted concurrently with other ward matters and reviewed quarterly.

Issue Date Thursday 2nd November 2023

Drug dealing and ASB - Greenford Avenue/Bordars road - Robust tactical patrols and intelligence gathering do reduce drug dealing and ASB in the area.

S - Reduce drug related ASB in the Hanwell, W7 area.
M - SNT to conduct HVP and plain clothes patrols where reasonable in hot spot zones in order to deter culprits, by means of arrests, stop and searches, etc.
A - SARA problem solving model will be conducted.
R - This priority is relevant and voted in at a Ward Panel meeting.
T - This will be conducted concurrently with other ward matters and reviewed quarterly.

Issue Date Thursday 2nd November 2023

Drug dealing and ASB - Grove estate and Brent valley golf car park - Robust tactical patrols and intelligence gathering do reduce drug dealing and ASB in the area.

S - Reduce drug related ASB in the Hanwell, W7 area.
M - SNT to conduct HVP and plain clothes patrols where reasonable in hot spot zones in order to deter culprits, by means of arrests, stop and searches, etc.
A - SARA problem solving model will be conducted.
R - This priority is relevant and voted in at a Ward Panel meeting.
T - This will be conducted concurrently with other ward matters and reviewed quarterly.

Issue Date Thursday 2nd November 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.