Crime Check UK

North Greenford

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

ASB, begging and drug dealing across the ward are a persistent issue especially on estates like Cowgate and along Greenford road. At times has led to violence / gang issues

Issue Date Wednesday 4th January 2023

S - specifically to reduce begging, ASB and drug dealing on the ward
M - measurable as the team will conduct high visibility policing in and around the vicinity of the tube station, shops and estates. Conduct intelligence led stop and search to reduce the ASB. Arrest and bring to justice prolific offenders targeting the area. We will work with partner agencies to improve cctv, lighting etc to help prevent offences. We will use intelligence led stop and search to deter and apprehend offenders
A - Achievable wit ward team patrol plans and partnership work
R - relevant as requested by ward panel
T - Timely as is part of daily patrols

Action Date Wednesday 4th January 2023

Although burglary in the ward remains relatively low it is an ongoing issue and will remain a priority for the community and has been requested as such in the last Ward Panel Meeting

Issue Date Wednesday 4th January 2023

S - specifically to reduce burglary on the ward
M - measurable as figures will show the success of the teams patrols and crime prevention work. We continue to visit every victim of a burglary to offer reassurance and crime prevention advice. We will conduct high visibility patrols in the areas often targeted by offenders. We will work with partner agencies to improve cctv, lighting etc to help prevent burglary.
A - achievable as part of ward patrols and partnership work
R - relevant as requested by ward panel
T - Timely as form part of daily patrols

Action Date Wednesday 4th January 2023

Street drinking by small groups in the area leads to ASB. Often behind the shops along Greenford road, Ridding Lane and David Lloyd gym area.

Issue Date Wednesday 4th January 2023

S - Specifically to reduce street drinking.
M - measurable as part of returns from the Ward teams patrols to enforce the PSPO. To work in partnership with the council and conduct regular high visibility patrols to reduce levels of street drinking. Arrest and bring to justice prolific offenders targeting the area
A - achievable as part of ward daily patrols and long term partnership approach targeting offenders
R - relevant as requested by ward panel members
T - timely as forms part of daily ward patrol plans

Action Date Wednesday 4th January 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.