Crime Check UK

North Acton

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

We will promote and provide opportunity for the reporting of violence against women and girls and will take positive action to create safer spaces for women/girls.

This will be measured through a record of work undertaken, enforcement action and a review of the benchmark safety question isolating data from female respondents

This is achievable through the following actions:

Safe space drop in sites for victims of domestic violence to report/seek advice

Crime prevention and advice stalls focusing on violence against women/girls

We will make attempts to arrest outstanding domestic violence offenders on the ward

We will enforce domestic violence protection orders/notices within the ward

We will provide safer spaces for women/girls to exercise

We conduct patrols and operations to target areas where incidents of violence against women/girls occur

This is relevant as violence against women and girls is a significant issue, with many female respondents in the most recent ward survey expressing concerns and fears regarding certain areas in action and behaviour of men in the area.

This will run for the next 3 months and will be reviewed at the next ward panel.

Issue Date Tuesday 7th May 2024

We will work to make Park Royal leisure a safer environment for legitimate users

This will be achieved through targeted patrols to provide reassurance, working in partnership with businesses, on site security and land owners. Covert policing tactics will also be used to identify those engaging in crime.

This will be measured through a record of work, enforcement actions.

This is relevant as the venue is described as feeling unsafe, it also suffers from consistent anti-social behaviour as well as incidents of violence

This will run for the next 3 months and will be reviewed at the next ward panel.

Issue Date Tuesday 7th May 2024

We will work to make the canal feel like safer environment, and in the process with build strong relationship with the Wesley Gardens residents

This will be achieved through targeted patrols, partnership working with Canals and Rivers Trust and the local authority. We will hold community events to provide an opportunity for residents to get involved and give crime prevention advice.

This is relevant as the canal areas has suffered consistently from anti-social behaviour and drugs use. Survey completion in the area was very low, indicating a lack of engagement with police.

This will run for the next 3 months and will be reviewed at the next ward panel.

Issue Date Tuesday 7th May 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.