Crime Check UK

Nine Elms

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Robbery, Robberies have been a persistent issue around Battersea Park, this occasionally pushes its way on to Nine Elms Lane where there have been a number of late night high value robberies. This can be be tackled by an increase of crime awareness to the footfall around the robbery risk areas, increased visible and plain clothes patrols in these areas during the peak times. Multiple department operations involving units such as violent suppression unit.

Issue Date Saturday 23rd September 2023

Research of intelligence system to identify locations for patrols and potential offenders. High visibility patrols and promoting of crime prevention through social media and engagement with the community.

Action Date Saturday 23rd September 2023

There has been a high number of push bike thefts in the area, both from external locking points and Burglaries where push bikes kept inside a private area have been stolen.
This issue will be tackled by visiting the hot spot area's, identifying any weakness in their security, check residents bikes if they are locked and how, inform residents to look out for tailgating etc., this has previously been effective with bike theft issues inside Riverlight court.

Issue Date Saturday 23rd September 2023

Research of intelligence system to identify locations for patrols and potential offenders. High visibility patrols and promoting of crime prevention through social media and engagement with residents and bike owners.

Action Date Saturday 23rd September 2023

ASB drug, mainly cannabis usage has been identified as an issue along Riverside Walk and Ponton road, this issue mainly presents itself around Lunchtime and evening times. This will be tackled by persistent high vis patrols around peak times and searching subjects where ground exist, occasional plain clothes patrols will also be arranged to target this.

Issue Date Saturday 23rd September 2023

High Visibility patrols to the locations identified to deter those committing Anti-Social Behaviour and using drugs. Use of stop and Search and arrest powers when appropriate .Utilising Anti-Social Behaviour legislation to issue ASN warnings, Community Protection warnings and Community Protection Notices when appropriate.

Action Date Saturday 23rd September 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Walk and Talk Initiative
Wednesday 26th June 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:30PM
Savona Street

Female officers ‘buddying up’ with women from their communities to go out on patrol in open spaces, to discuss their experiences, concerns and reflections.

Bike marking scheme
Saturday 17th August 2024
from 3:30PM to 5:00PM
Embassy Gardens

A one-to-one consultation session in conjunction with bike marking.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.