Crime Check UK

Merton Park

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Robbery and Violence in Morden Town Centre, patrols to increase during late turn shifts to deter robbery and violent crime

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Officers have been carrying out high visibility patrols and Operations in Morden Town Centre to detect, deter and reduce Violence and Robbery offences. Officers have also undertaken proactive plain clothes patrols in the area. The area is also patrolled by intelligence led, Op Nightingale, which operates on targeted crime hotspots in a given area.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Complaints regarding ASB/Rowdy behaviour/Drugs in Parks has increased, to combat this Merton Park SNT will increase uniformed and plain clothed patrols in our open spaces. There will also be pre planned operations utilising MSC officers and student Police officers.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Merton Park Safer Neighbourhood Team have been carrying out patrols in the John Innes Park and Mostyn Park to deter ASB and drug abuse in our open spaces. Officers have made various arrests for possession of illegal substances and drug drive offences. In addition to this, Officers have also enlisted the help of the Special Constabulary, who are volunteer police officers, having all the powers and responsibilities of a regular police officer. They have been carrying out patrols in our open spaces to detect, deter and prevent crime. Merton Park SNT continue working hard for the residents of Merton Park and are committed to cutting crime.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Burglary within Merton Park ward continues and to help reduce this problem Hi visibility patrols will continue within burglary hotspots. Residents will be offered crime prevention surveys, these will be advertised on Social Media, ACE, Ward surgeries and public meetings.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Officers attached to Merton Park Safer Neighbourhood Team having been conducting high visibility and plain clothes proactive patrols in the various burglary hotspots, indicated by MPS intelligence systems. Officers have been visiting victims of crime and offering crime prevention advice to prevent offenders re offending at the same venue. Officers also leaflet houses in the vicinity of the burglary to offer crime prevention advice, warn residents of a burglary and to secure property, speak to potential witnesses and possibly view CCTV to ascertain whether footage could be used as evidence to identify offender/s. In addition, the Metropolitan Police Specials have been tasked with patrolling burglary hotspots to deter, detect and prevent crime.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.