Crime Check UK

Maida Vale

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

S. To reduce schoolboy robberies on the ward with targeted patrols
M. Using police intelligence systems to build an overall picture as to when the offences are taking place and the nature of the offences. To liaise with school officers and school staff to assist in that picture.
Robbery patrols to prevent recent school boy robberies that have recently happened on the ward.
Pro-active patrols to prevent and identify suspects for Robbery.
Using intelligence systems, local knowledge and shared intel from Robbery Squad to establish hotspots and preferred times/days.
A. Regular High visibility patrols to Paddington Recreational Ground during late afternoons to evenings targeting groups of youths loitering near entrances/exits. Stop and searches to continue with possible knife Arch operations in the park. Community engagement with park goers and staff within the park.
R. Not a new priority raised by the panel. One that seems to peak and change throughout the year.
T. Reviewed 6 weekly or after a pattern of events

Issue Date Thursday 30th May 2024

S. To reduce Localised anti-social behaviour in Tollgate Gardens, Lauderdale Road, Castellain Road, Carlton Vale and Elgin Parade.
M. Using police systems to locate frequent times and locations ASB is happening and local intel to establish frequent offenders.
A. High visibility patrols dedicated to Lauderdale Road, Castellain Road, Carlton Vale and Elgin Parade. Community engagement with residents. Taking positive enforcement action against known offenders, seeking injunctions where applicable.
R. Raised as an ongoing concern by local residents and presented by the ward panel as our third priority.
T. Reviewed 6 weekly

Issue Date Thursday 30th May 2024

S. To reduce Burglary offences specifically in the Maida Vale area.
M. Using police intelligence systems, local knowledge and shared intel from Burglary Squad to establish hotspots, repeat victims and preferred times/days.
A. Regular targeted high visibility patrols to deter and detect offenders. Community engagement and Crime Prevention advice alongside victim visits and 'Cocooning' of nearby addresses for target hardening purposes.
R. Ongoing priority for a number of years.
T. Reviewed 6 weekly or after a pattern of events.

Issue Date Thursday 30th May 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.