Crime Check UK

Little Venice

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

S. To reduce Youth related violence which is taking place on City and Westminster College, Hall Place and Edgware Road.
M. Intel sharing with neighbouring wards and College security staff to keep an up-to-date picture on youth tensions. Utilising CRIMINT and closed source intelligence to establish frequently used locations and MO's by offenders.
A. Our aim to reduce violent crimes in outlined areas will be, by increasing proactive targeted patrols. Conducting daily weapon sweeps and stop and searches where applicable. On top of that, increasing patrols around Westminster College during break times and finishing time this is when most issues occur.
R. Due to tensions serious youth crime is a top priority in Little Venice recognised by local ward officers as well as the ward panel.
T. To be reviewed every 6 weeks.

Issue Date Saturday 2nd March 2024

Neighbourhood officers continue to engage with younger members of the community. Specifically, we work in partnership with the local City of Westminster College to tackle youth initiated anti-social behaviour, react to intelligence suggestion any heightened tensions between youths from different areas of London that may come into conflict and through intervention and education we aim to reduce and then maintain a low level of violent incidents whereby either one or more of those involved is deemed a 'youth' through age. I am currently working with YOTS and the council re having youths with refers sent to my boxing club for discipline.

Action Date Saturday 2nd March 2024

S. To reduce Burglary which is taking place on specifically targeting the Postal Code area of W2. M. Hi-Viz proactive patrols in order to help reduce crime and identify offenders as well as the crime in outlined areas.
A. One of the two priorities outlined by ward panel meeting. Therefore to remain or second priority to focus on in order to reduce it.
R. Due to ongoing issue with Burglary local DWO’s will also delivering crime prevention leaflets with advices how to keep their properties secured.
T. To be reviewed every 6 weeks.

Issue Date Saturday 2nd March 2024

Patrols are prioritised in high risk areas of the ward, particularly during the periods of any given day that we are receiving information suggesting these offences are occurring. Working in partnership with local businesses, residents and other volunteers (such as the neighbourhood watch) we work diligently to prevent these crimes from occurring, or reacting promptly and effectively to any occasion they may unfortunately do so. Patrols ongoing.

Action Date Saturday 2nd March 2024

S. To reduce robbery offences Specifically around Edgware Road and Warrington Crescent environs, predominantly later in the day/ into the evening.
M. Utilising PLANWEB, METINSIGHTS, local knowledge, Residents meetings and Intel from the robbery squad to identify known offenders - frequented times and locations.
A. High visibility patrols to deter crime, plain clothed patrols to identify offenders then using Stop and Search where possible. Working with the council and community in applying for CCTV in the worst affected areas - application is in and being reviewed.
R. Local community raise this as a concern whenever spoken to. Local knowledge identifies this area as a known hotspot for youth to target victims.
T. To be reviewed every 6 weeks.

Issue Date Saturday 2nd March 2024

We maintain an ever evolving local knowledge of individuals believed or proven to be involved in robbery offences. Working with colleagues from robbery departments and pro-active squads we will actively target known problematic areas of the ward with intentions of targeting and challenging individuals or groups intent on committing robbery. We aim for all areas of the ward to be safe and secure for any persons going about their business and to be able to do so without fear of being a target for robbery. Patrols ongoing

Action Date Saturday 2nd March 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.