Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

S: To reduce knife-enabled watch robberies around Holland Park Avenue and Kensington High Street.
M: Measured by the number of such crimes reported to police.
A: This can be achieved by operations targeting robbery hotspot areas, high-visibility foot and cycle patrols, targeted use of stop and search tactics, and target hardening - crime prevention advice and engagement via social media.
R: This issue has been prevalent across AW BCU, and previous months have seen offences spreading from Westminster into RBKandC. A number of these offences have received viral coverage on social media, and this type of crime continues to be a matter of concern for WP members.
T: This will be measured and reviewed at the next WP meeting (every three months).

Issue Date Thursday 21st March 2024

S: To reduce residential burglary offences in the streets bordering Holland Road, Holland Park Gardens and the streets north of Holland Park.
M: Measured by the number of such crimes reported to police in these areas.
A: This can be achieved by high-visibility foot and cycle patrols, targeted use of stop and search tactics, and target hardening through crime prevention advice via social media and face-to-face community engagement events.
R: This number of these type of offences has risen over the summer months. Historically this type of crime tends to increase in the months leading up to Christmas, and also as the weather becomes warmer and windows are left open.
T: This will be measured and reviewed at the next WP meeting (every three months).

Issue Date Thursday 21st March 2024

S: To target dangerous/antisocial cycling on pavements on/around Kensington High Street and Holland Park Avenue.
M: Measured by number of fixed penalty notices issued, as well as anecdotal evidence seen by officers, WP members and local residents.
A: This can be achieved by joint operations with neighbouring wards targeting antisocial cyclists with education and enforcement, as well as use of social media to educate and inform the local public about traffic legislation.
R: This has been flagged up as a concern by WP members across the whole cluster for a number of months.
T: This will be measured and reviewed at the next WP meeting (every three months).

Issue Date Thursday 21st March 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Cuppa with a Copper
Wednesday 10th July 2024
from 11:00AM to 12:00PM
russel road

An opportunity to have a Cuppa with your local Cops

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.