Crime Check UK

High Street

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

VAWG Violence Against Women and Girls
The Violence against Women and Girls initiative is a new campaign run by MET. The VAWG was formed to fight crime against women and girls and improve parks and streets safety

1.Protecting women and girls in public spaces
2. Improve park safety for women and girls
3. Rebuild the trust from the community

Issue Date Saturday 9th March 2024

Ward Priorities

VAWG – High Street SNT officers have put in a lot of work and effort in ensuring that female members of the public feel safe around WALTHAMSTOW, We have a weekly deployment to tackle problem areas, We carry out 1-2-1 VAWG patrols with female members of the community at least once a week.
We have also focused our joint partnership working with LBWF around VAWG, We patrol with parking enforcement and ASB officers to solve issue around VAWG.
We handout leaflets along with Street safe QR code, which allows members of public to suggest improvements in areas they feel most vulnerable
We are the top performing borough in the MET and we have made several VAWG related arrest.

We have also taken part in HATE CRIME awareness stand with LBWF to raise general awareness around the community.

Action Date Saturday 9th March 2024

My Priority – Reducing Robberies in the HIGH STREET WARD
The plan is to reduce the current robberies recorded on the HIGH STREET WARD and surrounding streets. This has been highlighted by the local residents and member of the public.
The main aims is to:
1.Reduce the Robbery
Reduce Theft Person
2.Built public confident

Issue Date Saturday 9th March 2024

Robberies – Robberies on High street SNT has been on a decline, A 50% reduction in robberies over the past few months and overall crime reduction has seen crime levels drop to its lowest over the past few months.
We have had a number of positive arrest for robberies and offensive weapons, these arrest have been followed by ASB warnings, CPW and CPN’s issued to the culprits restricting movement and behaviours around the High Street. We have already conducted and have a few further planned joint operations with violent crime taskforce and partner agencies in order to ensure the crime levels remain low.

Action Date Saturday 9th March 2024

There had been several complaints about drink related ASB on the ward.

Issue Date Saturday 9th March 2024

The HIGH STREET SNT Have been patrolling the ward various time of the day on daily basis.
A joint operation has been arranged with LBWF enforcement officers and STT. A number of CPNs have been issued.

Action Date Saturday 9th March 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Ward Panel meeting
Wednesday 3rd July 2024
from 6:00PM to 8:00PM
Walthamstow Library

A meeting of the panel members to discuss local concerns and to and set priorities for the local police team.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.