Crime Check UK

Fulham Town

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Date Set: 30/11/2022
SMART Objectives:
S- A mixture of uniform and plain clothed targeted patrols of ‘hotspot areas’ on the ward. Specific attention to transport hubs and busier times including rush hour/ weekend travelling.
M- Updates on youth engagement at next meeting, reduction in violent offences, assistance to surrounding wards for violent crime pulse patrols
A – This will be achieved by a mixture of plain clothed and uniform patrol, along with cross ward working and flexibility in shift changes for allowing finishing start times/ Night shifts.
R – Whilst Robbery on the ward remains low, it appears the ward is on the edge of wards suffering from robberies, and is a through route, which could encourage opportunistic offenders.
T- To be discussed at the Next ward panel meeting of the 28th February 2023.

Issue Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Robbery on the Ward remains low, however as the area is a through route for known robbery locations, particular attention will be paid to areas on the ward that could be targeted.

Action Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Date Set: 30/11/2022
SMART Objectives: S - Target offences corridor off Fulham rd. towards Fulham Palace Rd M- Crime prevention advice, target hardening and cocooning from PCSOs, later patrols from PCs including plain clothes A - Long running priority and concern of ward with increase once restrictions lift and people spend more time away R - Targeted patrols in area proven to reduce incidents and provides reassurance T - By next WP meeting

Issue Date Sunday 16th July 2023

- Residential Burglary remains an issue, Community Engagement events and advice online and in person continues, cocooning by PCSO Manwaring when Burglaries occur.

Action Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Date Set: 13/07/2022
SMART Objectives: S - Areas of concern, residential roads off Fulham Rd. In particular the side streets not covered by CCTV and those likely to house vehicles with 'keyless' car entry systems. Patrols and crime prevention, Street briefings for crime prevention advice M - Measurable with reduction in offences or increase in public securing vehicles, education around keyless thefts and rolling out of faraday bags when available, PCSOs to conduct tests in key areas for doors/valuables A - Previous increases in offences tailed off with increase in police activity R - Targeted patrols effective, crime prevention advice T - at next WP meeting

Issue Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Theft of Motor Vehicle remains an issue on the ward. Community engagement events providing advice for this offence type have been carried out, and an operation is planned

Action Date Sunday 16th July 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.