Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Barkingside High Street has seen a regular increase from youths involved in ASB and youth violence. There has been a decrease in crimes whereby knives and weapons have been used, on the high street, however, ward panel members want this to stay as priority linked in with Violence against women and girls as a concern.
Team to carry out regular Hi-Viz patrols and interact with the school children in the area. Focussing mainly on school exit times.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Fairlop ward officers to patrol hotspot areas, on the ward, carry out high Hi-Viz patrols and interact with school children, this has been ongoing, when youths are coming to meet other schools youths, on Barkingside High Street. Regular weapon sweeps will be ongoing in this vicinity.
Also increase in VAWG patrols to be regularly implemented on the High Street and Hainault Tube Station, to provide crime prevention advice.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

This priority has been changed from burglary as burglaries are all time low.
This issue was brought up in ward panel meeting. Smoking drugs in the alleyways most days, drug dealers hanging again smoking.
Prostitution was also mentioned going on in the alleyway behind the properties of Trehearn. The council are looking to clear the fly tipping which stopped for a while now has started again. The councillor also mentioned implementation of speed bumps on Trehearn due to the speeding of cars.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Fairlop ward officers will be carrying out regular patrols in the alleyways of Trehearn, Trelawney and Saltash there is an alleyway shaped as an H runs behind these streets, resident has complained of recent drug dealing, smoking and prostitution, and fly tipping we will patrol this area on every shift.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

There has recent surge of motor vehicle crime on the Hughes Road Estate.
Many streets have been affected with all types of vehicle crimes. Recent crimes recorded show streets affected, Hazelbrouk, Benrek, Fullwell Avenue. New North Road, and Redbridge Sports Centre. Ward panel members would like to keep this priority for a long time.

Issue Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

High visibility patrols have been conducted in Redbridge sports centre, due numerous thefts from motor vehicles, mainly the catalytic convertors being stolen. Advice given to management and staff and leaflets provided on advice to prevent this from happening. In our contact sessions we have and will continue to give our crime prevention material on car prevention crime. The areas where the vehicle crime has been significant has been the Redbridge Sports Centre, The Power League, and Fencepiece Road.

Action Date Wednesday 7th February 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.