Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

To reduce violent crime across the ward through utilising various tactics such as proactive patrols and warrants. This includes tackling the spate of robberies and phone thefts along the corridor from Evelyn Street/Deptford High Street that is a huge concern for residents of Evelyn ward

Issue Date Tuesday 1st August 2023

Tacking ongoing ASB across the ward. Concerns from community that ASB issues into the evenings at open spaces. Hi-visibility patrols of DEPTFORD PARK in regard to drug activity and ASB after the council have alerted SNT of concerns.

Issue Date Tuesday 1st August 2023

Tacking ongoing drug use/supply across the ward. This will be done by tasked proactive patrols across the ward and intelligence led warrants. This includes Hi-visibility patrols of PEYPS PARK in regard to drug activity and ASB which has become a ward priority.

Issue Date Tuesday 1st August 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.