Crime Check UK

Earl's Court

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Robbery and burglary
To reduce incidents of Robbery and burglary in the Earl’s Court area.
Measurable: the incidences of robbery and burglary can be monitored by the number of ASB calls, crime reports, and ASB reports relating to robbery and attempted robbery.
Achievable and realistic: this can be achieved by the continuation of high-visibility foot and cycle patrols, vehicle patrols, variation of shifts to include late and night shifts, targeted use of stop and search tactics, and target hardening. We also provide crime prevention advice and engagement via social media. Earl’s Court SNT officers regularly change their shifts to combat robbery and burglary, and conduct stop and search where grounds exist. Robbery and burglary patrols are conducted on the Earls Court Road and surrounding streets. The Earls Court ward panel members are often given crime prevention advice regarding knife point robberies.
Plain clothes operations can be considered with neighbouring wards to further disrupt robbery if need be.

Issue Date Wednesday 26th June 2024

SNT conduct regular proactive patrols around the ward at all times of the day. Following residential burglaries cocooning will be completed at the address and with neighbours to provide advice and reassurance to residents.

Action Date Wednesday 26th June 2024

To combat ASB linked to drugs in Earls Court.
Measurable: this can be monitored by the number of ASB calls, crime reports, intelligence reports, and ASB reports relating to drugs, as well as the anecdotal evidence seen by officers, WP members and local residents.
Achievable and realistic: this can be achieved by a combination of high-visibility patrols within the highlighted area, joint working with RBKC wardens officers, robust enforcement of PSPO legislation and effective use of CPW/CPN to offenders. Earl’s Court officers have been proactive in obtaining two very successful warrants recently, recovering approx. £30,000 of drugs. Drug users have reported that the area is currently ‘too hot’ for drugs and they are going elsewhere. Local drug users are regularly stopped and searched, leading to a number of arrests and community resolutions. The drug hotspots in Earls Court are around Nevern Square, Nevern Place, Trebovir Road and Templeton Place. These areas are patrolled when officers are on duty. Further drug warrants are planned to combat the supply of drugs in Earls Court.

Issue Date Wednesday 26th June 2024

SNT approach drug issues using a multi pronged approach. This includes partnership work with the council, housing associations, and other organisations. This is in addition to regular proactive patrols, search warrants, and other tactics. Intelligence regarding drug use or supply should be passed to the police using Crimestoppers, online, or on 101.

Action Date Wednesday 26th June 2024

To combat motor vehicle crime in Earls Court.
Measurable: the incidences of motor vehicle crime can be monitored by the number of calls , crime reports, and ASB reports relating to theft of and theft from motor vehicle.
Achievable and realistic: this can be achieved by high-visibility foot and cycle patrols, vehicle patrols, targeted use of stop and search tactics, and target hardening through crime prevention advice via social media and working with RBKC. Ward officers regularly volunteer to change their shifts to late or night shifts and will look to use stop and search where appropriate.

Issue Date Wednesday 26th June 2024

SNT conduct regular proactive patrols around the ward at all times of the day. Officers also organise and participate in proactive operations at all times of day and night around the ward seeking out those committing wrongdoing. Stop and searches are conducted where grounds exist amongst other disruptive tactics.

Action Date Wednesday 26th June 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.