Crime Check UK

Dormers Wells

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Reduce Violence with injury Golf Links Estate

Issue Date Friday 3rd March 2023

S – Reduce/prevent violence with injury incidents in Gold links estate.
M - SNT to conduct HVP and plain clothes patrols where reasonable in and around this hot spot zone to deter culprits, by means of arrests, stop and searches, etc.
A – Partnership/joint operations around SARA problem solving model will be conducted.
R - This priority is relevant due to prevalent drug related incidents leading to injury based violence.
T - This will be conducted regularly reviewed quarterly.

Action Date Friday 3rd March 2023

Reduce ASB Drug related crime Golf Links Estate

Issue Date Friday 3rd March 2023

S - Reduce drug related ASB in and around Golf links estate.
M - SNT to conduct HVP and plain clothes patrols in order to deter culprits, by means of arrests, stop and searches, etc.
A - SARA problem solving model will be conducted in collaboration with other ward teams as well as joint partnership operations.
R - This priority is relevant as drugs and drug related offences have links to gangs and adverse effect on the community.
T - This will be conducted simultaneously with other matters and reviewed quarterly.

Action Date Friday 3rd March 2023

Reduce ASB Rowdy Nuisance Behaviour Greenford Road parade of shops / Bet Fred and rear of Links View

Issue Date Friday 3rd March 2023

S - Reduce drug related ASB. Informant had reported teenagers taking drugs along Tasty Kebabs.
M - SNT to conduct HVP and plain clothes patrols to deter culprits, by means of arrests, stop and searches, etc.
A – Planned operations, SARA problem solving model will be implemented.
R - This priority is relevant and voted in at a Ward Panel meeting.
T - This will be conducted simultaneously with other matters.

Action Date Friday 3rd March 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.