Crime Check UK

Colham and Cowley

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Violent offences - Violence against women and girls.

Planned walk and Talks - Aim to build trust with women and girls to be confident when they report violence and abuse.
With those who take part in the 'walk and Talk' to share experiences with officers as they walk through areas they feel vulnerable. Also general, patrols in GREATSFIELD recreation Ground and CONNAUGHT Recreation Ground.

We are aiming to increase patrols at fallowing locations;

Issue Date Sunday 3rd March 2024

Officers have carried out planned walk and Talks on PIELD HEATH ROAD and the COWLEY ROAD and will continue this ongoing initiative throughout the ward which will be advertised on OWL (online watch Link)
Officers have conducted Patrols in GREATFIELD recreation Ground and CONNAUGHT Recreation Ground open spaces and will continue to do so.
-Those who take part in a Walk and Talk can share their views and experiences with officers as they walk through any areas they may feel vulnerable in.
- Officers are patrolling and will increase further police presence on darker nights with physical environment intervention; CCTV, Improve Street lighting etc.
SNT have also planned to attend end of month, monthly meetings at Olympic House on GROVE LANE, UXBRIDGE to ensure we are providing wrap around support to all the residents using the service and to work together to reduce rough sleeping in the borough as well as violence related crimes.

Action Date Sunday 3rd March 2024

Direct patrols to Old Mill Lane Cowley. SNT to target evening and late night patrols in unmarked vehicles and uniformed Hi-Visibility patrols in the ward in an aim to disrupt drugs activity, conducting stop/searches when necessary.

Issue Date Sunday 3rd March 2024

-Officers to conduct drugs hot spot patrols on Old Mill Lane Cowley as concerns were raised by the community about drug dealing in the area. Officers to use their stop and search powers where necessary.

Officers had patrolled Old Mill Lane Cowley, where a few males has been stopped and searched. Officers will continue patrolling this location.
in addition, officers will look out for signs that may indicate someone is a victim of cuckooing, use social media messaging re: spiked drinks and date rape drugs and encourage the community to pass information to crime stoppers.

Action Date Sunday 3rd March 2024

Continue to carry out High visibility reassurance patrols and plain clothes proactive patrols in these areas of the ward that has been targeted. OWL messages to be sent residents to notify them of any burglaries on the ward teamed with CP advice on home security.

Issue Date Sunday 3rd March 2024

The team will conduct high visibility patrols on the ward to deter and prevent burglaries. In addition the team will utilise social media messaging for Crime Prevention Advice for home security, encourage people to use property marking to deter burglars and encourage communities to join Neighbourhood Watch Schemes. The team will also continue to carry out crime prevention stalls around the ward offering crime prevention literature and chat to members of our community.

Action Date Sunday 3rd March 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.