Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Brief description - Violence related or violence driver and can include gangs, drugs, domestic violence and ASB.

During the summer months there is usually an increase in ASB and robberies in open spaces on Clayhall ward.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024


SPECIFIC – reduce the fear of assaults by members of the public in public places across Clayhall ward such as Clayhall Park, Redbridge Recreation Ground and Roding Valley Park.

MEASURABLE – Success can be measured by the number of reported incidents to police and any change in attitude from the community who use the locations previously mentioned.

ACHIEVABLE – Ensure members of the community feel safe and can safely use the locations. Focus is on working with the community including other agencies such as TFL and Redbridge Enforcement, carry out high vis and plain cloths patrols. Patrols dictated by data provided by crimint and crime reports

RELEVANT – Ensure members of the community can safely use the public locations as highlighted on the Clayhall smart survey

TIMELY – The period between ward panel meetings will be used to monitor the success of this problem-solving process. Resources will also be taken into consideration, Review to take place prior to ward panel meetings which are held 4 times per year.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Brief description - Reduce number of robberies. This location has recently seen a slight increase in robberies of Beal school pupils while leaving school. Younger pupils are usually targeted due to their vulnerability. The subway is natural cover for any suspects.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024


SPECIFIC – reduce the fear of assaults in public places near Beal High School focusing on School pupils who use the underpass, which runs under the WOODFORD AVENUE exiting near LORD AVENUE and carry out weapons sweeps in the surrounding area.

MEASURABLE – Success can be measured by the number of reported incidents to police and any change in attitude from the pupils who use the underpass.

ACHIEVABLE – Ensure the community especially Beal Pupils feel safe and can safely use the underpass. Focus is on working with the community including other agencies such as TFL and carry out high vis and plain cloths patrols. Patrols dictated by data provided by crimint and crime reports

RELEVANT – Ensure school pupils can safely use the subway, which runs under the WOODFORD AVENUE exiting near LORD AVENUE highlighted on Beal School survey

TIMELY – The period between ward panel meetings will be used to monitor the success of this problem-solving process. Resources will also be taken into consideration, Review to take place prior to ward panel meetings which are held 4 times per year.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Brief description - Rough sleepers engaged in begging in the area are causing mainly women to feel in fear of their safety when using the underpass at the A12 Redbridge Round About.

Issue Date Monday 22nd April 2024


SPECIFIC – reduce the fear of assaults in the subway under the Redbridge Roundabout focusing on members of the public mainly females who use the underpass and surrounding areas near to Redbridge station.

MEASURABLE – Success can be measured by the number of reported incidents to police and any change in attitude from the community who use the underpass and station.

ACHIEVABLE – Ensure the community especially women feel safe and can safely use the underpass and the area around the station. Focus is on working with the community including other agencies such as TFL and Redbridge Enforcement, carry out high vis and plain cloths patrols. Patrols dictated by data provided by crimint and crime reports

RELEVANT – Ensure women can safely use the subway near to Redbridge underground station including surrounding area highlighted on Clayhall SNT smart survey

TIMELY – The period between ward panel meetings will be used to monitor the success of this problem-solving process. Resources will also be taken into consideration, Review to take place prior to ward panel meetings which are held 4 times per year.

Action Date Monday 22nd April 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.