Crime Check UK

Chelsea Riverside

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Youth Violence and ASB - World's End Estate.
S: To reduce incidents of Serious Youth Violence (SYV) and Anti-social behaviour around the World’s End Estate.
M: Measured by monitoring the number of ASB reports relating to the World's End Estate, and the number of crime reports/CADs relating to incidents of SYV.
A: This can be achieved by a combination of high-visibility patrols within the estate, targeted use of stop and search tactics, weapons sweeps and joint working with RBKandC council and Vigilant Security concierge, supporting applications for injunctions against repeat subjects, and use of Community Protection Warnings/Community Protection Notices where appropriate.
R: This is repeatedly highlighted as an issue by local residents’ groups and Ward Panel members, and has been an ongoing problem for a number of years.
T: This will be measured and reviewed at the next WP meeting (every three months).

Issue Date Tuesday 21st February 2023

S: To reduce drug use and drug dealing in and around the World’s End estate.
M: Measured by the number of drug-related ASB reports relating to these areas, the number of positive stop and searches in the area and anecdotal evidence given by Ward Panel members.
A: This can be achieved by high-visibility patrols, cycle patrols, targeted use of stop and search tactics, intelligence-led plain-clothes proactive patrols, engagement with residents to encourage reporting of offences/use of Crimestoppers.
R: This issue has been highlighted by residents and Ward Panel members recently, and also evidenced by regular positive outcomes from stop and searches carried out by ward officers.
T: This will be measured and reviewed at the next WP meeting (every three months).

Issue Date Tuesday 21st February 2023

S: To reduce the number of Theft from Motor Vehicle incidents in LOTS VILLAGE area.
M: Measured by the number of such incidents reported to police in these areas.
A: This can be achieved by high-visibility foot and cycle patrols, targeted use of stop and search tactics, and target hardening through crime prevention advice via social media and other community engagement events, and working with RBKC to install additional signage/CCTV on affected streets.
R: Over the past 3 months, vehicle crime has accounted for a large proportion of the total offences on the ward. The crime maps produces for the Ward Panel show a particular concentration of these types of offences in the LOTS VILLAGE area. This concern is shared by Ward Panel members and local residents.
T: This will be measured and reviewed at the next WP meeting (every three months).

Issue Date Tuesday 21st February 2023

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.