Crime Check UK

Brixton Acre Lane

A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

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Neighbourhood Priorities

Reduce Anti-social Behaviour and violence throughout the Brixton Acre Lane ward. There are concerns about drug dealing and using in specific areas including residential roads. Which also can result in rough sleeping and increased littering. SNT officers have ensured that they are performing targeted patrols in order to tackle this anti-social behaviour and drug use in peak times. Officers have also been referring individuals. In addition to this, SNT officers have conducted joint patrols with Lambeth Council rough sleeping officers in order to identify these individuals and offer them the support that is needed.

Issue Date Wednesday 20th March 2024

Increasing our engagement with all community groups. A focus on increased partnership working with our current partners, and looking to form new collaborations. Build a working relationship with residents and business owners in the community. Ensure that regular meetings with individuals in the community are carried out and that Ward Panel meetings are three times a year.

Action Date Wednesday 20th March 2024

Concerns were raised by the community in the last ward panel meeting about theft/shoplifting within Brixton Acre Lane. In response to this officers will perform a number of targeted patrols over the next three months as a deterrence, specifically on Acre Lane and the areas of the patch which are in the Town Centre such as Brixton Road. This is where more detailed issues have been highlighted by businesses and residents.

Issue Date Wednesday 20th March 2024

Heightened patrols took place at targeted times, resulting in a number of arrests for shoplifting. In addition, partners have been consulted such as the Business Safer Network and Brixton ‘BID’ and officers carried out operation days to target shoplifting in conjunction with the independent local businesses.

Action Date Wednesday 20th March 2024

Violence Against Women and Girls

Issue Date Wednesday 20th March 2024

As ever this remains a priority and is a specific BCU priority. The Acre Lane ward has recently undertaken confident operations surrounding the wellbeing of women and girls in the area. SNT is working with local services such as the Women in Prison charity, this offers supports to women affected by the criminal justice system and campaigns to end the harm caused to women and their families. In addition to this, SNT officers work targeting the night time economy and offering support to those in need.

Action Date Wednesday 20th March 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.