Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Violence surronding Arsenal Stadium, focusing on match days

Issue Date Sunday 19th May 2024

Discuss safeguarding for girls in a school environment. Agreed to work further with the council in regards to raising awareness within an educational environment about VAWG related matters.
Agreed to work further with the council in regards to raising awareness within an educational environment about VAWG related matters
Arsenal Liaison officer will be attending our next ward panel meeting – March 18th. To discuss Safety for woman on match days and safeguarding protocols.

Issue Date Sunday 19th May 2024

Surrounding roads, residents have noticed a increase in drug dealing and supply.
Concerns raised around the bin area of the Harvest estate, Lorraine road and Shelbourne road and Blackstock Road. Regular patrols agreed to be conducted.

Issue Date Sunday 19th May 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.