Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Metropolitan Police Service

The information on this page is provided by Metropolitan Police Service. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Met Police's policy to reduce violence on London's streets.

Issue Date Tuesday 19th September 2023

The team have made great efforts to reduce robberies in specific areas on the ward following a crime spike and concerns from local residents who attend our Ward Panel Meetings. We've achieved this by carrying out high-visibility cycle, foot and vehicle patrols, along with and an undercover presence.

We've engaged with individuals and groups that we suspect of anti-social behaviour who are also asked to account for the actions and presence in the area. We have conducted a number of weapon sweeps around the ward with the help of Met Police volunteers.

Additionally we have provided crime prevention leaflets on personal safety with open spaces, like parks, alleyways and foot bridges regularly patrolled by officers.

Action Date Tuesday 19th September 2023

Alibon ward has had reports in regards to small groups hanging around the local vicinity drinking alcohol and the use of illegal drugs

Issue Date Tuesday 19th September 2023

Alibon officers will engage with such groups believed to be involved to be causing ASB and will use tactical options from ASB warnings, closure notices, community protection notices and community behaviour order. Our hotspot areas identified by ourselves and the local community will be regularly patrolled on foot, car and bike, to deter anyone who causes ASB on the ward.

Action Date Tuesday 19th September 2023

Alibon ward has had an increase in theft of motors, Aim to Reduce vehicle crime by awareness, prevention and vehicle operations.

Issue Date Tuesday 19th September 2023

The aim is to reduce the opportunities by increasing community engagement, awareness and prevention around vehicle crime and trends. Targeted patrols around specific areas on the ward that have been highlighted for vehicle crime.

Officers will be conducting road side Operations to target uninsured vehicles and unlicensed drives using the road and speed gun Operation around the ward.

Action Date Tuesday 19th September 2023

Neighbourhood Events

Ward Panel meeting
Saturday 6th July 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
86 Rogers Rd, Dagenham RM10 8JX

A meeting of the panel members to discuss local concerns and to and set priorities for the local police team.

Ward Panel meeting
Thursday 24th October 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Victoria Rd, Dagenham RM10 7XL

A meeting of the panel members to discuss local concerns and to and set priorities for the local police team.

Ward Panel meeting
Wednesday 18th December 2024
from 6:00PM to 7:00PM
Victoria Rd, Dagenham RM10 7XL

A meeting of the panel members to discuss local concerns and to and set priorities for the local police team.

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.