Crime Check UK

Boston Town West

A local policing neighbourhood in Lincolnshire Police

The information on this page is provided by Lincolnshire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

Community engagement - This priority has been set so that we can hear from from the community about the issues they are experiencing, and for them to get involved with us in solving those issues. Improving our engagement in multiple areas will help to achieve this.

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd April 2024

Abandoned vehicles in the industrial estate.

Issue Date Wednesday 24th January 2024

We have seized several vehicles for having no tax or insurance, and any that are deemed abandoned. Our officers will continue work with our partners to monitor the issue and ask for the community's help by reporting incidents and issues when they arise.

Action Date Friday 19th April 2024

Shop theft

Issue Date Wednesday 24th January 2024

The NPT has been engaging with prolific offenders trying to support and deter them from stealing from our local shops. They often lead chaotic lifestyles influenced by addiction and/or mental health struggles. Evidence suggests if offender are supported successfully their offending can be stopped. Of course, this isn’t always possible and we have carried out enforcement activity offenders have been arrested and put before a court. A targeting team has been set up to offer this support. As of yet we haven’t seen a decrease in the number of thefts but the team have had some good results with several charges being laid. The Neighbourhood Panel meeting discussed ways that our responses can be improved so we will continue with this as a priority for the next the months.

Action Date Friday 19th April 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.