Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The Wigston neighbourhood covers Wigston town centre and a large number of housing estates. The area includes several pubs, restaurants, school and colleges, youth clubs and a drop in centre.

There are also some small attractive parks such as the Memorial Park, Willow Park, Horsewell Lane Park and Hayes Park which are widely used by local residents and visitors to the area.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

You have told us that Road traffic offences are an issue within Wigston borough.
This can include, Speeding, No MOT/Insurance/Tax, Obstructive parking, Dangerous driving, etc.

Issue Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Local officers have mapped problem areas for traffic offences and conduct regular patrols in these areas, acting on intelligence and reports of vehicles resulting in suspected vehicle observations being sent out live to all officers in the areas and vehicles stop checked if seen.

Operations are being put in place and coordinated by local and traffic officers for speeding in problem areas details and results of these will be posted on our Facebook and twitter pages.

‘Fatal 4’ operations are being conducted within the borough stopping vehicles seen to commit traffic offences relating to seat belts, alcohol and use of mobile phones. Updates and results of these will be posted to our Facebook and twitter pages.

The Road Safety Team have visited many locations in June including Bull Head St in Wigston and Leicester Road Wigston and they have identified and dealt with a number of offences.

Action Date Saturday 1st June 2024

You have told us that Anti-Social behaviour within Wigston causes you concern. These are actions of individuals or groups, in particular for Wigston, youths, that are of an anti-social manner. This can be but not limited to Noise and nuisance, street drinking, electric scooters and pushbikes, dog fouling and more.

Issue Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Your local beat team keep close track of all ASB calls and reports made to police and act on them solely with police resources or work closely with external agencies such as council, social services, environmental officers, etc. whether this be to build intelligence for a larger picture or to act on particular issues.
The beat team have had success in tackling ASB in your area for instances such as youths being disruptive and potential to damage property, seizure of nuisance vehicles, drug misuse and smells, neighbour disputes, parking disputes and general rowdy behaviour.
Within Wigston and surrounding areas, beat teams have identified ASB problem areas and individuals. These areas are regularly patrolled, and incidents dealt with swiftly when resources allow, and individuals are dealt with by an incremental approach.
The ex-Nautical William pub on Aylestone Lane had been identified as a problem area with numerous reports of ASB from the location on a weekly basis. Officers built up intelligence regarding suspects, conducted regular visible patrols in the area and dealt with suspects that were identified.
Since police involvement ASB in this area has dropped significantly.

Action Date Saturday 1st June 2024

You have told us that Shop Theft is an issue in the area of Wigston town centre, in particular repeat offenders and high value targeted thefts.

Issue Date Saturday 1st June 2024

Officers continually work closely with local and Highstreet businesses within Wigston and build intelligence, sharing information regarding known individuals and suspect identification.
Patrols are regularly conducted multiple times daily into targeted businesses with CCTV being monitored and shared.
Any suspects identified are dealt with either at the scene or post incident by police and local officers accordingly.
Street CCTV is in operation covering Bell Street and Leicester road as well as other areas around Wigston which is monitored and accessed by police.

Action Date Saturday 1st June 2024

You have told us that Road traffic offences are an issue within Wigston borough.
This can include, Speeding, No MOT/Insurance/Tax, Obstructive parking, Dangerous driving, etc.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

Local officers have mapped problem areas for traffic offences and conduct regular patrols in these areas, acting on intelligence and reports of vehicles resulting in suspected vehicle observations being sent out live to all officers in the areas and vehicles stop checked if seen.

Operations are being put in place and coordinated by local and traffic officers for speeding in problem areas details and results of these will be posted on our Facebook and twitter pages.

‘Fatal 4’ operations are being conducted within the borough stopping vehicles seen to commit traffic offences relating to seat belts, alcohol and use of mobile phones. Updates and results of these will be posted to our Facebook and twitter pages.

The Road Safety Team have visited many locations in June including Bull Head St in Wigston and Leicester Road Wigston and they have identified and dealt with a number of offences.

Action Date Monday 1st April 2024

You have told us that Anti-Social behaviour within Wigston causes you concern. These are actions of individuals or groups, in particular for Wigston, youths, that are of an anti-social manner. This can be but not limited to Noise and nuisance, street drinking, electric scooters and pushbikes, dog fouling and more.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

Your local beat team keep close track of all ASB calls and reports made to police and act on them solely with police resources or work closely with external agencies such as council, social services, environmental officers, etc. whether this be to build intelligence for a larger picture or to act on particular issues.
The beat team have had success in tackling ASB in your area for instances such as youths being disruptive and potential to damage property, seizure of nuisance vehicles, drug misuse and smells, neighbour disputes, parking disputes and general rowdy behaviour.
Within Wigston and surrounding areas, beat teams have identified ASB problem areas and individuals. These areas are regularly patrolled, and incidents dealt with swiftly when resources allow, and individuals are dealt with by an incremental approach.
The ex-Nautical William pub on Aylestone Lane had been identified as a problem area with numerous reports of ASB from the location on a weekly basis. Officers built up intelligence regarding suspects, conducted regular visible patrols in the area and dealt with suspects that were identified.
Since police involvement ASB in this area has dropped significantly.

Action Date Monday 1st April 2024

You have told us that Shop Theft is an issue in the area of Wigston town centre, in particular repeat offenders and high value targeted thefts.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

Officers continually work closely with local and Highstreet businesses within Wigston and build intelligence, sharing information regarding known individuals and suspect identification.
Patrols are regularly conducted multiple times daily into targeted businesses with CCTV being monitored and shared.
Any suspects identified are dealt with either at the scene or post incident by police and local officers accordingly.
Street CCTV is in operation covering Bell Street and Leicester road as well as other areas around Wigston which is monitored and accessed by police.

Action Date Monday 1st April 2024

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.