Crime Check UK


A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

The Thurncourt neighbourhood covers the area between the A47 and Scraptoft Lane, as you travel out of the City. The residential areas around Colchester Road are covered by this neighbourhood and also the Thurnby Lodge area. Willowbrook Park is a main feature opposite a busy shopping parade on Thurncourt Road containing grocers, a housing office and hardware stores.

To find out more about what's happening in your local area read your local station Inspector's monthly update.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

ASB General - results from "my views" survey conducted by the local team, via Neighbourhood Link, indicate that this is a priority concern on the area

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd July 2024

• Local officers to continue high visibility patrols in Thurncourt.
• Continue to work with local Councillors and the City Council to manage any tenancies associated with such behaviour.
• Patch Walks and ward meetings have been completed. Further to take place on the Thurncourt area to speak to Local residents.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Drug dealing/Drug Use - The main concern raised by residents is drug use and drug dealing on Homestone Gardens, Croyland Green, Bowhill Grove, Stornaway Road

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Local Officers continue to provide high visibility patrol and ongoing engagement with local residents.
Safeguarding with a multi agency approach to vulnerable adults has been completed and the identification and safeguarding of other vulnerable persons is paramount.
We utilise our available legal powers to stop and search, to apply for premises warrants and we work with the local council teams to target those who cause most harm in our community.
We have completed 20 Stop and Searches in the past 3months on the NE14 beat area.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Road Safety Issues – in “my views” survey results completed via Neighbourhood Link, and raised by residents at recent Ward meeting: Road Safety Issues along with Highway obstructions have been highlighted as an area of concern on the NE14 Beat, with dangerous parking a concern on the Thurncourt it is highlighted for pavement obstructions where wheelchairs and prams have not been able to stay on the footpath due to dangerous parking. Also highlighted the parking on junctions, obstructing view. Speeding was also highlighted as issue, along with drink driving. These issues together create a worrying situation for pedestrians and road users.

Issue Date Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Officers and PCSOs will work with local authorities to identify and deal with the offending vehicle and owners.
Continue to engage with local residents to understand concerns and actively deal with issues raised whilst present on the beat.

Action Date Tuesday 23rd July 2024

Neighbourhood Events

School Patrols - Thurnby Mead Primary School
Friday 26th January 2024 to Sunday 26th January 2025
School Patrols - Thurnby Mead Primary School

School Patrols - Thurnby Mead Primary School

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.