Crime Check UK

South Wigston

A local policing neighbourhood in Leicestershire Police

The information on this page is provided by Leicestershire Police. If any of it is incorrect, or incomplete, or out of date, please don't complain to us, please get in touch with your local police force and politely ask them to ensure that they update their information at

South Wigston has significant retail facilities and areas of important light industry. It also has a well established residential community, which includes the Fairfield Estate.

The neighbourhood also includes the Glen Parva Young Offenders' Centre, Blaby Road Park and the newly opened Salvation Army centre, which incorporates a youth club.

Contact Details
Neighbourhood Priorities

You have told us that Road Safety is a priority, this includes things like Speeding, Insurance, MOT and driving offences.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

We have conducted patrols, speeding checks and dealing with road safety matters across the beat. We have also completed speeding operations. We will update you via our social media and newsletters on a monthly basis.

We continue to conduct checks and operations with partners such as local councils, trading standards and the DVSA. We also conduct speed checks and use volunteers to conduct speed checks. If you are concerned about speeding you can report your concerns to the Road Safety Partnership at

Action Date Monday 1st April 2024

You have told us that Anti-Social behaviour causes you concern. This can be things like excessive noise, parties, smoking drugs and more. We will be working with partners to ensure we can tackle these issues and prevent them occurring again.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

The beat team have also conducted Patrols and Beat events around the area of Tesco and Blaby Road Park as a reassurance to the community. The beat team have also visited South Wigston College where we have liaised with the college about educating young people about the dangers of Knife Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour.
The local beat team have been monitoring issues around Gloucester Crescent regarding Parking issue where we have advised motorists about the issues caused to the local residents.
The Beat team have also spoken to various young people around Gloucester Crescent about the issue with Anti Social Behaviour near to the shops and the park. Having spoken to individuals and also teamed with local Partners with the Council who also played a part in reducing ASB.

Action Date Monday 1st April 2024

You told us that you were concerned about vehicle crime. This can be theft of motor vehicles or theft from motor vehicles, this also includes theft of tools from vans and theft of catalytic convertors.

Issue Date Monday 1st April 2024

We conduct regular patrols of the areas where offences have occurred, we also use covert and overt tactics to target offences and this has already resulted in arrested and recovery of property. We will continue to do this going forward, particularly into the winter months when nights are darker.

We have recently purchased, with support of the community safety partnership, crime prevention items. These include number plate screws, to make it harder to steal number plates as well as faraday pouches. The pouches are available at our crime prevention events or from the police stations. Please check our events for when beat meetings/crime prevention events are happening. If you have concerns about crime in your area please contact your local team.

Action Date Monday 1st April 2024

Neighbourhood Events

Gloucester Cr (Outside One Stop Shop) (Fairfield Est)
Wednesday 5th June 2024
from 3:00PM to 3:30PM
One Stop Shop, Gloucester Crescent South Wigston

Come and meet with your local officer PCSO Ali Haq. He will be happy to listen to any concerns you have in our local area.
I will be around the area of the shops

Crime Prevention - Salvation Army South Wigston
Monday 24th June 2024
from 10:30AM to 12:00PM
Ladysmith Road (off Saffron Road) South Wigston

Crime Prevention event at the Salvation Army South Wigston

Neighbourhood Map

Markers show crime recording locations. Click/tap on a marker to see crimes allocated to that location.